Hybrid Arbitrary Degree::Core 2D - Library to implement 2D schemes with edge and cell polynomials as unknowns
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
HArDCore2D Namespace Reference




struct  KirchhoffLove
 Assemble a Kirchhoff-Love plate problem. More...
struct  QuadRot
struct  RMParameters
 Structure to store model data. More...
struct  RMNorms
 Structure to store component norms (for rotation, displacement, Kirchoff term and total energy) More...
struct  ReissnerMindlin
 Assemble a RM problem. More...
class  HHO_Diffusion
 The HHO_Diffusion class provides tools to implement the HHO method for the diffusion problem. More...
struct  FullGradientDiffusion
 Assemble a diffusion problem. More...
class  ScalarHybridSpace
class  VectorHybridSpace
 Class definition: polynomial bases and operators. More...
class  HHO_LocVarDiff
 The HHO_LocVarDiff class provides tools to implement the HHO method for the diffusion problem. More...
struct  NavierStokes
 Class for the Navier-Stokes model. More...
struct  Stokes
 Class for Stokes model. More...
class  HMM_StefanPME_Transient
 The vector Xh manipulated in the resolution has mixed components, corresponding either to the unknown u or to \(\zeta(u)\), depending on the choice of weight of mass-lumping for the cell/edge unknowns. If no weight is put on the edges (resp. the cells), then the edge (resp. cell) unknowns represent \(\zeta(u)\). Otherwise, they represent u. More...
class  StochStefanPME
 The vector Xh manipulated in the resolution has mixed components, corresponding either to the unknown \(u\) or to \(\zeta(e^W u)\), depending on the choice of weight of mass-lumping for the cell/edge unknowns. If no weight is put on the edges (resp. the cells), then the edge (resp. cell) unknowns represent \(\zeta(e^W u)\). Otherwise, they represent u. More...
class  LEPNC_diffusion
 The LEPNC_diffusion class provides an implementation of the LEPNC method for the stationnary diffusion problem \(-div(K\nabla u)=f\). More...
class  LEPNC_StefanPME
 LEPNC scheme for diffusion equation \(u - \div(K \nabla(\zeta(u))) = f\). More...
class  LEPNC_StefanPME_Transient
 LEPNC scheme for diffusion equation \(\partial_t u - \div(K \nabla(\zeta(u))) = f\). More...
class  LEPNCCore
struct  MonomialPowers
 Compute vectors listing the powers of monomial basis functions (for a cell, only this specialization is relevant) up to a certain degree. More...
struct  MonomialPowers< Cell >
struct  MatrixGradient
 Structure to store the gradient of a matrix-valued function. More...
class  MonomialScalarBasisCell
 Scalar monomial basis on a cell. More...
class  MonomialScalarBasisEdge
 Scalar monomial basis on an edge. More...
class  Family
class  TensorizedVectorFamily
 Vector family obtained by tensorization of a scalar family. More...
class  MatrixFamily
 Matrix family obtained from a scalar family. More...
class  TangentFamily
 Vector family for polynomial functions that are tangent to an edge (determined by the generator) More...
class  ShiftedBasis
 Generate a basis where the function indices are shifted. More...
class  RestrictedBasis
 Generate a basis restricted to the first "dimension" functions. More...
class  GradientBasis
 Basis for the space of gradients of polynomials. More...
class  CurlBasis
 Basis for the space of curls (vectorial rot) of polynomials. More...
class  DivergenceBasis
 Basis (or rather family) of divergence of an existing basis. More...
class  RotorBasis
 Basis (or rather family) of scalar rotor of an existing basis. More...
class  HessianBasis
 Basis for the space of Hessians of polynomials. More...
class  RolyComplBasisCell
 Basis for the complement R^{c,k}(T) in P^k(T)^2 of the range of the vectorial rotational on a face. More...
class  GolyComplBasisCell
 Basis for the complement G^{c,k}(T) in P^k(F)^2 of the range of the gradient on a face. More...
class  HolyComplBasisCell
 Basis for the complement H^{c,k}(T) in P^k(T)^{2x2} of the range of the Hessian on a face. More...
struct  evaluate_quad
 Evaluate a basis at quadrature nodes. 'BasisFunction' (=Function, Gradient, Curl, Divergence, or Rotor) determines what kind of value we want to evaluate. More...
struct  DecomposePoly
 Structure to decompose a set of polynomials on a basis on an edge or a cell. More...
class  GlobalDOFSpace
 Base class for global DOF spaces. Provides functions to manipulate global DOFs (the local version being provided by LocalDOFSpace). More...
struct  IntegralWeight
 Structure for weights (scalar, at the moment) in integral. More...
class  LinearSolver
 This structure is a wrapper to allow a given code to select various linear solvers. More...
struct  LocalStaticCondensation
 Structure to store information for, and perform, local static condensation. More...
class  LocalDOFSpace
 Base class for local DOF spaces: functions to access local DOFs (organised from the smallest dimension to the largest) associated with each geometric entity. More...
struct  PolynomialSpaceDimension
 Basis dimensions for various polynomial spaces on edges/faces/elements (when relevant): Pk, Gk, Rk and complements. More...
struct  PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >
struct  PolynomialSpaceDimension< Edge >
class  DDRCore
 Construct all polynomial spaces for the DDR sequence. More...
class  EXCurl
 Extended XCurl space, with vector-valued polynomials on the edges. More...
class  PlatesCore
 Construct all polynomial spaces for the plates sequence. More...
class  XCurl
 Discrete Hcurl space: local operators, L2 product and global interpolator. More...
class  XDivDiv
 Discrete Hdivdiv space. More...
class  XGrad
 Discrete H1 space: local operators, L2 product and global interpolator. More...
class  XRot
 Discrete H1 space: local operators, L2 product and global interpolator. More...
class  XRotRot
 Discrete HRotRot space: local operators, L2 product and global interpolator. More...
class  HHOSpace
 Class definition: polynomial bases and operators. More...
class  VHHOSpace
 Class definition: polynomial bases and operators. More...
class  ElementQuad
class  UVector
class  HybridCore
class  VtuWriter
struct  VecHash
 Hash function for VectorZd type. More...
class  QuadRuleEdge
class  LegendreGauss
class  QuadRuleTriangle
 Wrapper for dunavant quadrature rules. More...
struct  QuadratureNode
 Description of one node and one weight from a quadrature rule. More...


template<typename T >
using SpatialFunctionType = std::function< T(const VectorRd &)>
 Generic type for function that only depends on spatial coordinate. More...
template<typename T >
using PiecewiseSpatialFunctionType = std::function< T(const VectorRd &, const Cell *)>
 Generic type for function that depends on space, with formula changing from one cell to the next. More...
template<typename T >
using TemporalSpatialFunctionType = std::function< T(const double &, const VectorRd &)>
 Generic type for function that depends on space and time. More...
template<typename T >
using PiecewiseTemporalSpatialFunctionType = std::function< T(const double &, const VectorRd &, const Cell *)>
 Generic type for function that depends on space and time, with formula changing from one cell to the next. More...
template<typename T >
using EigFunctionType = std::function< T(const size_t &, const size_t &, const VectorRd &)>
 Type for "eigenfunctions" e_i, depending on two indices k,l. More...
template<typename T >
using DoubleVector = std::vector< std::vector< T > >
typedef Eigen::Matrix2d MatrixRd
typedef Eigen::Vector2d VectorRd
typedef Eigen::Vector2i VectorZd
template<typename T >
using BasisQuad = boost::multi_array< T, 2 >
 type for a family of basis functions evaluated on quadrature nodes More...
template<typename T >
using FType = std::function< T(const VectorRd &)>
 type for function of point. T is the type of value of the function More...
template<typename MatrixType >
using EigenLUType = Eigen::SparseLU< MatrixType >
template<typename MatrixType >
using EigenBiCGStabType = Eigen::BiCGSTAB< MatrixType, Eigen::IncompleteLUT< double > >
template<typename MatrixType >
using PardisoLUType = bool
template<typename MatrixType >
using UMFPACKType = bool
using PastixLUType = bool
using PastixLLTType = bool
template<typename MatrixType >
using ListSolvers = std::tuple< std::unique_ptr< EigenLUType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< EigenBiCGStabType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< PardisoLUType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< UMFPACKType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< PastixLUType >, std::unique_ptr< PastixLLTType > >
typedef std::function< bool(const Cell &)> CellSelection
typedef std::unordered_map< VectorZd, double, VecHashMonomialCellIntegralsType
 Type for list of integrals of monomials. More...
typedef std::vector< double > MonomialEdgeIntegralsType
 Type for list of edge integrals of monomials. More...
typedef std::vector< QuadratureNodeQuadratureRule


enum  TensorRankE { Scalar = 0 , Vector = 1 , Matrix = 2 }
enum  BasisFunctionE {
  Function , Gradient , SymmetricGradient , SkewsymmetricGradient ,
  Curl , Divergence , Rotor , Hessian
enum  SolverName {
  EigenLU , EigenBiCGStab , PardisoLU , UMFPACK ,
  PaStiXLU , PaStiXLLT
 Enumeration of all available solvers. More...


static double StDev (const Eigen::VectorXd &v)
double scalar_product (const double &x, const double &y)
 Scalar product between two reals. More...
double scalar_product (const VectorRd &x, const VectorRd &y)
 Scalar product between two vectors. More...
boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > matrix_vector_product (const boost::multi_array< MatrixRd, 2 > &basis_quad, const std::vector< VectorRd > &v_quad)
 Take the product of a matrix-valued basis with a vector. More...
boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > matrix_vector_product (const std::vector< MatrixRd > &m_quad, const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &basis_quad)
 Take the product of a matrix with a vector-valued basis. More...
boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > vector_matrix_product (const std::vector< VectorRd > &v_quad, const boost::multi_array< MatrixRd, 2 > &basis_quad)
 Take the product of (the transposed of) a vector with a matrix-valued basis. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr)
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given a family of vector-valued and one of scalar-valued functions by tensorizing the latter. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const size_t nrows, const size_t ncols, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. This version is an overload for double-valued families, more efficient than the generic templated version. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. Consists in calling the double-valued version with nrows = nb of elements in B1, ncols = nb of elements in B2. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const size_t nrows, const size_t ncols, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. This version is an overload for Vector2d-valued families, more efficient than the generic templated version. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< VectorRd, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. Consists in calling the Vector2d-valued version with nrows = nb of elements in B1, ncols = nb of elements in B2. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_weighted_gram_matrix (const FType< VectorRd > &f, const BasisQuad< VectorRd > &B1, const BasisQuad< double > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, size_t n_rows=0, size_t n_cols=0)
 Computes the Gram-like matrix of integrals (f dot phi_i, phi_j) More...
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_weighted_gram_matrix (const FType< VectorRd > &f, const BasisQuad< double > &B1, const BasisQuad< VectorRd > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, size_t n_rows=0, size_t n_cols=0)
 Computes the Gram-like matrix of integrals (phi_i, f dot phi_j) More...
template<size_t N>
MatrixGradient< N > operator* (double scalar, MatrixGradient< N > const &G)
 Multiplication of a MatrixGradient from the left (non-member function to be able to multiply from the left) More...
template<typename outValue , typename inValue , typename FunctionType >
boost::multi_array< outValue, 2 > transform_values_quad (const boost::multi_array< inValue, 2 > &B_quad, const FunctionType &F)
 Takes an array B_quad of values at quadrature nodes and applies the function F to all of them. F must take inValue and return outValue. The function must be called with outValue as template argument: transform_values_quad<outValue>(...) More...
template<typename ScalarBasisType , size_t N>
Family< TensorizedVectorFamily< ScalarBasisType, N > > GenericTensorization (const ScalarBasisType &B, const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &v)
 From a scalar family B=(B_1..B_r) and vectors (v_1..v_k) in R^N, constructs a "Family" of "TensorizedVectorFamily" (built on B, of size N) that represents the family (B_1v_1..B_rv_1 B_1v_2...B_rv_2... B_1v_k..B_rv_k). More...
template<typename ScalarBasisType , size_t N>
Family< MatrixFamily< ScalarBasisType, N > > IsotropicMatrixFamily (const ScalarBasisType &B)
 From a scalar family B, constructs a "Family" of "MatrixFamily" (built on B, of size NxN) that represents the family B Id on the MatrixFamily. More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::MatrixXd gram_schmidt (boost::multi_array< T, 2 > &basis_eval, const std::function< double(size_t, size_t)> &inner_product)
template<int N>
double scalar_product (const Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &x, const Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &y)
 Scalar product between two matrices. More...
template<typename Value >
boost::multi_array< double, 2 > scalar_product (const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &basis_quad, const Value &v)
 This overloading of the scalar_product function computes the scalar product between an evaluation of a basis and a constant value; both basis values and constant value must be of type Value. More...
template<typename Value >
boost::multi_array< double, 2 > scalar_product (const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &basis_quad, const std::vector< Value > &v)
 This overloading of the scalar_product function computes the scalar product between an evaluation of a basis and a field that varies on the quadrature nodes; both basis values and constant value must be of type Value. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Family< BasisType > l2_orthonormalize (const BasisType &basis, const QuadratureRule &qr, boost::multi_array< typename BasisType::FunctionValue, 2 > &basis_quad)
 \(L^2\)-orthonormalization: simply consists in using gram_schmidt() with the specific l2 inner product More...
template<typename BasisType >
Family< BasisType > l2_orthonormalize (const BasisType &basis, const Eigen::MatrixXd &GM)
 \(L^2\)-orthonormalization: when the Gram Matrix is passed, we use Cholesky. More...
template<typename FunctionValue >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< FunctionValue, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< FunctionValue, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const size_t nrows, const size_t ncols, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. This templated function is very generic, and thus not the most efficient. More efficient overloads are provided for double- or Vector2d-valued families. More...
template<typename FunctionValue >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< FunctionValue, 2 > &B1, const boost::multi_array< FunctionValue, 2 > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Compute the Gram-like matrix given the evaluation of two families of functions at quadrature nodes. This version calls the generic one with nrows = nb of elements in family B1 and ncols = nb of elements in family B2. More...
template<typename FunctionValue >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const boost::multi_array< FunctionValue, 2 > &B, const QuadratureRule &qr)
 Compute the Gram matrix given the evaluation of one family of functions at quadrature nodes. Consists in calling the generic templated version with B1=B2. More...
template<typename ScalarFamilyType , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_gram_matrix (const MatrixFamily< ScalarFamilyType, N > &MatFam, const boost::multi_array< double, 2 > &scalar_family_quad, const QuadratureRule &qr)
 Compute the Gram-like matrix for a MatrixFamily. This overload is more efficient than the generic function as it only computes the gram matrix of the underlying scalar family, and then creates the bloc-diagonal gram matrix of the MatrixFamily (which is indeed bloc diagonal given the choice of m_E elements in this class). More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::VectorXd integrate (const FType< T > &f, const BasisQuad< T > &B, const QuadratureRule &qr, size_t n_rows=0)
 Compute the integral of a given function against all functions from a family. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_weighted_gram_matrix (const FType< U > &f, const BasisQuad< T > &B1, const BasisQuad< T > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, size_t n_rows=0, size_t n_cols=0, const std::string sym="nonsym")
 Computes the Gram-like matrix of integrals (f phi_i, phi_j) More...
template<typename T , typename U >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_weighted_gram_matrix (const FType< U > &f, const BasisQuad< T > &B1, const BasisQuad< T > &B2, const QuadratureRule &qr, const std::string sym)
 Computes the Gram-like matrix of integrals (f phi_i, phi_j) More...
template<typename Value >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_closure_matrix (const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &f_quad, const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &g_quad, const QuadratureRule &qr_f, const QuadratureRule &qr_g)
 Computes closure equation matrices, from evaluations at quadrature nodes. For two families of functions \((f_i)\) and \((g_j)\) with values in some space E, this routine computes the matrix \((\int f_i)\cdot(\int g_j)\) where \(\cdot\) is the dot product in E. More...
template<typename Value >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_closure_matrix (const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &f_quad, const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &g_quad, const QuadratureRule &qr)
 Computes closure equation matrices. Overload of the previous one when qr_f=qr_g. More...
template<typename Value >
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_closure_matrix (const boost::multi_array< Value, 2 > &f_quad, const QuadratureRule &qr)
 Computes closure equation matrices. Overload of the previous one when f=g. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::VectorXd l2_projection (const std::function< typename BasisType::FunctionValue(const VectorRd &)> &f, const BasisType &basis, QuadratureRule &quad, const boost::multi_array< typename BasisType::FunctionValue, 2 > &basis_quad, const Eigen::MatrixXd &mass_basis=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, 1))
 Compute the L2-projection of a function. More...
std::pair< double, double > store_times (boost::timer::cpu_timer &timer, std::string message="")
 Function to store and display wall/proc timers from boost::timer::cpu_timer. More...
static std::pair< std::vector< int >, std::vector< int > > distributeLoad (size_t nb_elements, unsigned nb_threads)
 Function to distribute elements (considered as jobs) over threads. It returns a pair of vectors indicating the start and end element of each thread. More...
static void parallel_for (unsigned nb_elements, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end)> functor, bool use_threads=true, unsigned nb_threads_max=1e9)
 Generic function to execute threaded processes. More...
static std::pair< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd > parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets, Eigen::VectorXd *rhs)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble global matrix and right-hand side from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
static std::tuple< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system1, std::pair< size_t, size_t > size_Mat2, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble two global matrices and one vector (such as: system matrix+vector and matrix for BC) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
static std::tuple< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd > parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system1, std::pair< size_t, size_t > size_Mat2, size_t size_b2, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2, Eigen::VectorXd *vec2)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble two global matrices and vectors (such as: system and static condensation operator) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
double compute_squared_rotrot_norm (size_t iT, const Eigen::VectorXd &vT, const XRot &x_rot, const XRotRot &x_rotrot)
 Compute the squared rotrot norm on the element of index iT. More...
double compute_rotrot_norm (const Eigen::VectorXd &v, const XRot &x_rot, const XRotRot &x_rotrot)
 Compute rotrot norm. More...
template<typename GeometricSupport >
size_t const DimPoly (int m)
const size_t DimPoly< Cell > (const int m)
 Compute the size of the basis of 2-variate polynomials up to degree m. More...
const size_t DimPoly< Edge > (const int m)
 Compute the size of the basis of 1-variate polynomials up to degree m. More...
MonomialCellIntegralsType IntegrateCellMonomials (const Cell &T, const size_t maxdeg)
 Compute all integrals on a cell of monomials up to a total degree, using vertex values. More...
MonomialCellIntegralsType CheckIntegralsDegree (const Cell &T, const size_t degree, const MonomialCellIntegralsType &mono_int_map={})
 Checks if the degree of an existing list of monomial integrals is sufficient, other re-compute and return a proper list. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd transformGM (const Family< BasisType > &family_basis, const char RC, const Eigen::MatrixXd &anc_GM)
 Transforms a Gram Matrix from an ancestor to a family basis. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd transformGM (const RestrictedBasis< BasisType > &restr_basis, const char RC, const Eigen::MatrixXd &anc_GM)
 Transforms a Gram Matrix from an ancestor to a restricted basis. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd transformGM (const ShiftedBasis< BasisType > &shifted_basis, const char RC, const Eigen::MatrixXd &anc_GM)
 Transforms a Gram Matrix from an ancestor to a shifted basis. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a pair of local scalar monomial bases. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const BasisType &basis, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 This overload to simplify the call to GramMatrix in case the two bases are the same. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &basis1, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, N > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of any pair of tensorized scalar bases. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const RolyComplBasisCell &basis1, const RolyComplBasisCell &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a pair of RolyCompl bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const RolyComplBasisCell &rolycompl_basis, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &tens_family, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a RolyCompl basis and a tensorized scalar basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &tens_family, const RolyComplBasisCell &rolycompl_basis, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a tensorized scalar basis and a RolyCompl basis. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const GolyComplBasisCell &basis1, const GolyComplBasisCell &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Gram Matrix of a pair of GolyCompl bases. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GMRolyComplScalar (const Cell &T, const RolyComplBasisCell &rolycompl_basis, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &mono_basis, const size_t m, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map)
 Computes the Gram Matrix of the mth component of a RolyCompl Basis and a monomial basis. More...
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd GMRolyComplScalar (const Cell &T, const RolyComplBasisCell &basis1, const BasisType &basis2, const size_t m, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map)
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of the mth component of a RolyCompl Basis and any basis. More...
template<typename BasisType >
constexpr bool useAncestor ()
 Determines if the ancestor of a basis will be used to compute a Gram matrix for this basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of any pair of bases. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GMScalarDerivative (const Cell &T, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis2, const size_t m, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a pair of local scalar monomial bases, taking a partial derivative of the first (w.r.t. the homogeneous coordinates, without scaling) More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GMScalarDerivative (const Cell &T, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis2, const size_t m, const size_t l, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a pair of local scalar monomial bases, taking partial derivatives of each of them (w.r.t. the homogeneous coordinates, without scaling) More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GMScalarDerivative (const Cell &T, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, const size_t m, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of any pair of scalar bases, taking a partial derivative of the first (w.r.t. the homogeneous coordinates, without scaling) More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GMScalarDerivative (const Cell &T, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, const size_t m, const size_t l, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of any pair of scalar bases, taking partial derivatives of each of them (w.r.t. the homogeneous coordinates, without scaling) More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const GradientBasis< BasisType1 > &grad_basis, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, N > &tens_family, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a gradient basis and a tensorized scalar basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &tens_family, const GradientBasis< BasisType2 > &grad_basis, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a tensorized scalar basis and a gradient basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const GradientBasis< BasisType1 > &grad_basis1, const GradientBasis< BasisType2 > &grad_basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a gradient basis and another gradient basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const CurlBasis< BasisType1 > &basis1, const CurlBasis< BasisType2 > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of a pair of Curl bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const CurlBasis< BasisType1 > &curl_basis, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, 2 > &tens_family, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a curl basis and a tensorized scalar basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &tens_family, const CurlBasis< BasisType2 > &curl_basis, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a tensorized scalar basis and a gradient basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
boost::disable_if< boost::is_same< BasisType2, MonomialCellIntegralsType >, Eigen::MatrixXd >::type GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const DivergenceBasis< BasisType1 > &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of a Divergence basis and any other basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename Basis2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const BasisType1 &basis1, const DivergenceBasis< Basis2 > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of any basis and a Divergence basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrixDiv (const Cell &T, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, 2 > &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of a Divergence<Tensorized> basis and a monomial scalar basis. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrixDiv (const Cell &T, const RolyComplBasisCell &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisCell &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a Divergence<RolyCompl> basis and a monomial scalar basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrixDiv (const Cell &T, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Template to compute the Gram Matrix of the divergence of any basis and any other basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const MatrixFamily< BasisType1, N > &basis1, const MatrixFamily< BasisType2, N > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Gram Matrix of any pair of MatrixFamily bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const DivergenceBasis< MatrixFamily< BasisType1, dimspace >> &basis1, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, dimspace > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const GradientBasis< TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, dimspace >> &basis1, const MatrixFamily< BasisType2, dimspace > &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Gram Matrix of the gradient basis of a tensorized family and a matrix family (only valid if N=dimspace in Tensorized and MatrixFamily). More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const MatrixFamily< BasisType1, dimspace > &basis1, const GradientBasis< TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, dimspace >> &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Gram Matrix of a Matrix family and the gradient of a tensorized family. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Cell &T, const GradientBasis< TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N >> &basis1, const GradientBasis< TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, N >> &basis2, MonomialCellIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Gram Matrix of two gradient bases of tensorized families. More...
MonomialEdgeIntegralsType IntegrateEdgeMonomials (const Edge &E, const size_t maxdeg)
 Compute all integrals of edge monomials up to a total degree. More...
MonomialEdgeIntegralsType CheckIntegralsDegree (const Edge &E, const size_t degree, const MonomialEdgeIntegralsType &mono_int_map={})
 Checks if the degree of an existing list of monomial integrals is sufficient, other re-compute and return a proper list. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const MonomialScalarBasisEdge &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisEdge &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a pair of local scalar monomial bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template to compute the Gram Matrix of any pair of bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 , size_t N>
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType1, N > &basis1, const TensorizedVectorFamily< BasisType2, N > &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
template<typename BasisType >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const BasisType &basis, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 This overload to simplify the call to GramMatrix in case the two bases are the same. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GMDer (const Edge &E, const MonomialScalarBasisEdge &basis1, const MonomialScalarBasisEdge &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of the derivative of a monomial basis with another monomial basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GMDer (const Edge &E, const BasisType1 &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Generic template for GMDer with derived bases. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const GradientBasis< BasisType1 > &basis1, const BasisType2 &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a gradient basis (considering the tangential gradient as a scalar) and a scalar basis. More...
template<typename BasisType1 , typename BasisType2 >
Eigen::MatrixXd GramMatrix (const Edge &E, const BasisType1 &basis1, const GradientBasis< BasisType2 > &basis2, MonomialEdgeIntegralsType mono_int_map={})
 Computes the Gram Matrix of a scalar basis and a gradient basis (considering the tangential gradient as a scalar) More...
QuadratureRule generate_quadrature_rule (const Cell &T, const int doe, const bool force_split=false)
 Generate quadrature rule on mesh element. More...
QuadratureRule generate_quadrature_rule (const Edge &E, const int doe)
 Generate quadrature rule on mesh face. More...
template<typename T >
double squared_l2_error (const std::function< T(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> &f, const Eigen::VectorXd &fX, const boost::multi_array< T, 2 > &fX_basis_quad, const QuadratureRule &quad_X)


static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType trigonometric_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType trigonometric_grad_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType trigonometric_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType trigonometric_dx_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType trigonometric_dy_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType trigonometric_grad_Delta_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType trigonometric_hess_u_DE
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType trigonometric_divdiv_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType quartic_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType quartic_grad_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType quartic_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType quartic_dx_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType quartic_dy_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType quartic_grad_Delta_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType quartic_hess_u_DE
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType quartic_divdiv_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType biquartic_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType biquartic_grad_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType biquartic_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType biquartic_dx_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType biquartic_dy_hess_u
static KirchhoffLove::GradientDeflectionType biquartic_grad_Delta_u
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType biquartic_hess_u_DE
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType biquartic_divdiv_hess_u
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static QuadRot::PotentialType linear_u
static QuadRot::RotorType linear_rot_u
static QuadRot::RotRotType linear_rotrot_u
static QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType linear_p
static QuadRot::ForcingTermType linear_f
static QuadRot::PotentialType quadratic_u
static QuadRot::RotorType quadratic_rot_u
static QuadRot::RotRotType quadratic_rotrot_u
static QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType quadratic_p
static QuadRot::ForcingTermType quadratic_f
static QuadRot::PotentialType cubic_u
static QuadRot::RotorType cubic_rot_u
static QuadRot::RotRotType cubic_rotrot_u
static QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType cubic_p
static QuadRot::ForcingTermType cubic_f
static QuadRot::PotentialType quartic_u
static QuadRot::RotorType quartic_rot_u
static QuadRot::RotRotType quartic_rotrot_u
static QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType quartic_p
static QuadRot::ForcingTermType quartic_f
static QuadRot::PotentialType trigonometric_u
static QuadRot::RotorType trigonometric_rot_u
static QuadRot::RotRotType trigonometric_rotrot_u
static QuadRot::RotorType trigonometric_rotrotrot_u
static QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType trigonometric_p
static QuadRot::ForcingTermType trigonometric_f
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType constant_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType constant_grad_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType constant_u
static ReissnerMindlin::ForcingTermType constant_f
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType polynomial_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType polynomial_grad_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType polynomial_u
static ReissnerMindlin::ForcingTermType polynomial_f
static std::function< double(const VectorRd &)> an_g = [](const VectorRd &x)->double { return sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)); }
static std::function< VectorRd(const VectorRd &)> an_GRAD_g
static std::function< MatrixRd(const VectorRd &)> an_HESS_g
static std::function< double(const VectorRd &)> an_LAPL_g = [](const VectorRd &x)->double { return -2*pow(PI,2)*sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)); }
static std::function< double(const VectorRd &)> an_V = [](const VectorRd &x)->double { return x(0) * exp(-x(0))*cos(x(1)); }
static std::function< VectorRd(const VectorRd &)> an_GRAD_V
static std::function< MatrixRd(const VectorRd &)> an_HESS_V
static std::function< double(const VectorRd &)> an_LAPL_V = [](const VectorRd &x)->double { return -2.* exp(-x(0))*cos(x(1)); }
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType an_v
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType an_GRAD_v
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType an_HESS_v
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType an_LAPL_v
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType analytical_theta = an_GRAD_v
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType analytical_grad_theta = an_HESS_v
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType analytical_u
static ReissnerMindlin::ForcingTermType analytical_f
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType ukn_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType ukn_grad_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType ukn_u
static ReissnerMindlin::ForcingTermType ukn_f
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionRotationType kir_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::GradientRotationType kir_grad_theta
static ReissnerMindlin::SolutionDisplacementType kir_u
static ReissnerMindlin::ForcingTermType kir_f
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static const VectorRd vec_a = VectorRd(1.,2.)
static FullGradientDiffusion::SolutionType linear_u
static FullGradientDiffusion::SolutionGradientType linear_gradu
static FullGradientDiffusion::ForcingTermType linear_f
static FullGradientDiffusion::PermeabilityType linear_kappa = FullGradientDiffusion::PermeabilityType(1.)
static FullGradientDiffusion::SolutionType trigonometric_u
static FullGradientDiffusion::SolutionGradientType trigonometric_gradu
static FullGradientDiffusion::ForcingTermType trigonometric_f
static FullGradientDiffusion::PermeabilityType trigonometric_kappa = FullGradientDiffusion::PermeabilityType(1.)
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
double pressure_scaling = 1.
static Stokes::VelocityType linear_u
static Stokes::VelocityGradientType linear_gradu
static Stokes::PressureType linear_p
static Stokes::PressureGradientType linear_gradp
static Stokes::MomentumForcingTermType linear_f
static Stokes::CompressibilityForcingTermType linear_g = [](const VectorRd & x)->double { return linear_gradu(x).trace();}
static Stokes::ViscosityType linear_mu = Stokes::ViscosityType(1.)
static Stokes::VelocityType trigonometric_u
static Stokes::VelocityGradientType trigonometric_gradu
static Stokes::PressureType trigonometric_p
static Stokes::PressureGradientType trigonometric_gradp
static Stokes::MomentumForcingTermType trigonometric_f
static Stokes::CompressibilityForcingTermType trigonometric_g = [](const VectorRd & x)->double { return trigonometric_gradu(x).trace();}
static Stokes::ViscosityType trigonometric_mu = Stokes::ViscosityType(1.)
static SpatialFunctionType< double > zero_scalar_function = [](const VectorRd & x)->double { return 0.;}
 Zero spatial function. More...
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
 Type for vector of vector. More...
static std::function< double(const size_t &, const size_t &)> mui
static EigFunctionType< double > mui_ei
static EigFunctionType< VectorRdgrad_mui_ei
static EigFunctionType< double > Delta_mui_ei
constexpr int dimspace = 2
 Dimension, and generic types for vector in correct dimension (makes it easier to translate a code between 2D and 3D) More...
static std::function< Eigen::MatrixXd(const Eigen::MatrixXd &)> symmetrise_matrix = [](const Eigen::MatrixXd & x)->Eigen::MatrixXd { return 0.5*(x+x.transpose());}
 Function to symmetrise a matrix (useful together with transform_values_quad) More...
static std::function< Eigen::MatrixXd(const Eigen::MatrixXd &)> skew_symmetrise_matrix = [](const Eigen::MatrixXd & x)->Eigen::MatrixXd { return 0.5*(x-x.transpose());}
 Function to skew-symmetrise a matrix (useful together with transform_values_quad) More...
std::map< std::string, int > ParamName
 To parse optional Solver parameter from command line. More...
std::vector< double > SolverParam
 Create space and stores default values of optional solver parameters. More...
const char * SolverParamHelper
 Create a solver specific description in boost::desc.options. More...
std::map< std::string, SolverNamemap_solver
 Map to associate to each lowercase name a solver. More...
std::map< SolverName, std::string > map_realname
 Map to associate to each solver its proper name. More...
std::map< SolverName, size_t > map_id
static const CellSelection allcells = [](const Cell &)->bool {return true;}
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static auto q
static auto grad_q
static auto rot_q
static auto v
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> constant_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_constant_vector
static std::function< MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_constant_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> linear_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_linear_vector
static std::function< MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_linear_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> quadratic_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_quadratic_vector
static std::function< MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_quadratic_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> cubic_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_cubic_vector
static std::function< MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_cubic_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> trigonometric_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_trigonometric_vector
static std::function< MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_trigonometric_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> trigonometric_q
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_trigonometric_q
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> constant_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_constant_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> linear_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_linear_vector
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> trigonometric_vector
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> rot_trigonometric_vector
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType trigonometric_u
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType trigonometric_f
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType trigonometric_sigma
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType trigonometric_sigma_DE
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType simple_u
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType simple_f
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType simple_sigma
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType simple_sigma_DE
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType quartic_u
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType quartic_f
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType quartic_sigma
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType quartic_sigma_DE
static KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType biquartic_u
static KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType biquartic_f
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType biquartic_sigma
static KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType biquartic_sigma_DE
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> trigonometric_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_trigonometric_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> constant_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_constant_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> linear_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_linear_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> quadratic_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_quadratic_scalar
static const double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> trigonometric_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_trigonometric_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> constant_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_constant_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> linear_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_linear_scalar
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> quadratic_scalar
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_quadratic_scalar

Function Documentation

◆ compute_rotrot_norm()

double HArDCore2D::compute_rotrot_norm ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  v,
const XRot x_rot,
const XRotRot x_rotrot 

Compute rotrot norm.

◆ compute_squared_rotrot_norm()

double HArDCore2D::compute_squared_rotrot_norm ( size_t  iT,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  vT,
const XRot x_rot,
const XRotRot x_rotrot 

Compute the squared rotrot norm on the element of index iT.

◆ squared_l2_error()

template<typename T >
double HArDCore2D::squared_l2_error ( const std::function< T(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> &  f,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  fX,
const boost::multi_array< T, 2 > &  fX_basis_quad,
const QuadratureRule quad_X 

Variable Documentation

◆ biquartic_f

KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::biquartic_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 24*pow(x(0), 2)*pow(x(0) - 1, 2) + 32*x(0)*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1) + 8*x(0)*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(4*x(1) - 2) + 8*x(0)*x(1)*(4*x(0) - 2)*(x(1) - 1) + 8*x(0)*x(1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)) + 8*x(0)*(x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)*(4*x(1) - 2) + 8*x(0)*(x(1) - 1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)) + 24*pow(x(1), 2)*pow(x(1) - 1, 2) + 8*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(4*x(0) - 2)*(x(1) - 1) + 8*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)) + 2*(4*x(0) - 4)*(x(1) - 1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1));
Eigen::Matrix< double, DIMENSION, 1 > VectorRd
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:19

◆ biquartic_sigma

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType HArDCore2D::biquartic_sigma
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> Eigen::Matrix2d {
Eigen::Matrix2d M;
M.row(0) << 2*pow(x(1), 2)*pow(x(1) - 1, 2)*(pow(x(0), 2) + 4*x(0)*(x(0) - 1) + pow(x(0) - 1, 2)), 4*x(0)*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1));
M.row(1) << 4*x(0)*x(1)*(x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)*(x(0)*x(1) + x(0)*(x(1) - 1) + x(1)*(x(0) - 1) + (x(0) - 1)*(x(1) - 1)), 2*pow(x(0), 2)*pow(x(0) - 1, 2)*(pow(x(1), 2) + 4*x(1)*(x(1) - 1) + pow(x(1) - 1, 2));
return -M;

◆ biquartic_sigma_DE

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType HArDCore2D::biquartic_sigma_DE

◆ biquartic_u

KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType HArDCore2D::biquartic_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return pow(x(0),2)*pow(1.-x(0),2)*pow(x(1),2)*pow(1.-x(1),2);

◆ constant_scalar [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::constant_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 1.;

◆ constant_scalar [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::constant_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 1.;

◆ constant_vector [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::constant_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(1., 2.);

◆ constant_vector [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::constant_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(1., 2.);

◆ cubic_f

QuadRot::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::cubic_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd f_x;
f_x << 0., 0.;
return f_x;
Eigen::Vector2d VectorRd
Definition: basis.hpp:55

◆ cubic_p

QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType HArDCore2D::cubic_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ cubic_rot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::cubic_rot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 3. * ( pow(x(0) - 0.5, 2) + pow(x(1) - 0.5, 2) );

◆ cubic_rotrot_u

QuadRot::RotRotType HArDCore2D::cubic_rotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x)->VectorRd {
VectorRd rotrot_u_x;
rotrot_u_x << 6. * (x(1) - 0.5), -6. * (x(0) - 0.5);
return rotrot_u_x;

◆ cubic_u

QuadRot::PotentialType HArDCore2D::cubic_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd u_x;
u_x << -pow(x(1) - 0.5, 3), pow(x(0) - 0.5, 3);
return u_x;

◆ cubic_vector

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::cubic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
1. + std::pow(x(0),3) - x(1)*std::pow(x(0),2),
2. + 2. * std::pow(x(1), 3) + std::pow(x(1),2)*x(0)

◆ grad_constant_scalar [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_constant_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();

◆ grad_constant_scalar [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_constant_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();

◆ grad_constant_vector

std::function<MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_constant_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> MatrixRd {
return MatrixRd::Zero();
Eigen::Matrix2d MatrixRd
Definition: basis.hpp:54

◆ grad_cubic_vector

std::function<MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_cubic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd G = MatrixRd::Zero();
G.row(0) << 3*x(0)*x(0)-2*x(1)*x(0), -x(0)*x(0);
G.row(1) << x(1)*x(1), 6*x(1)*x(1)+2*x(1)*x(0);
return G;

◆ grad_linear_scalar [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_linear_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(1., 2.);

◆ grad_linear_scalar [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_linear_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(1., 2.);

◆ grad_linear_vector

std::function<MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_linear_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd G = MatrixRd::Zero();
G.row(0) << 1, -1;
G.row(1) << 1, 2;
return G;

◆ grad_q

auto HArDCore2D::grad_q
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return PI * Eigen::Vector2d(
cos(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * cos(PI * x(1))
static const double PI
Definition: ddrcore-test.hpp:11

◆ grad_quadratic_scalar [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_quadratic_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return grad_linear_scalar(x) + Eigen::Vector2d(2. * x(0), 4. * x(1));
static std::function< Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> grad_linear_scalar
Definition: xgrad-test.hpp:46

◆ grad_quadratic_scalar [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_quadratic_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return grad_linear_scalar(x) + Eigen::Vector2d(2. * x(0), 4. * x(1));

◆ grad_quadratic_vector

std::function<MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_quadratic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd G = MatrixRd::Zero();
G.row(0) << 2.*x(0)-x(1), -x(0);
G.row(1) << x(1), 4.*x(1)+x(0);
return G;

◆ grad_trigonometric_q

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_trigonometric_q
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(PI*cos(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)), PI*sin(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1)));

◆ grad_trigonometric_scalar [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_trigonometric_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return PI * Eigen::Vector2d(
cos(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * cos(PI * x(1))

◆ grad_trigonometric_scalar [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_trigonometric_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return PI * Eigen::Vector2d(
cos(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * cos(PI * x(1))

◆ grad_trigonometric_vector

std::function<MatrixRd(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::grad_trigonometric_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd G = MatrixRd::Zero();
G.row(0) << PI*cos(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)), PI*sin(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1));
G.row(1) << PI*cos(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)), PI*sin(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1));
return G;

◆ linear_f [1/2]

QuadRot::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::linear_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd f_x;
f_x << 0, 0;
return f_x;

◆ linear_f [2/2]

Stokes::MomentumForcingTermType HArDCore2D::linear_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return VectorRd::Zero();

◆ linear_g

Stokes::CompressibilityForcingTermType HArDCore2D::linear_g = [](const VectorRd & x)->double { return linear_gradu(x).trace();}

◆ linear_gradp

Stokes::PressureGradientType HArDCore2D::linear_gradp
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return VectorRd::Zero();

◆ linear_gradu

Stokes::VelocityGradientType HArDCore2D::linear_gradu
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd M = MatrixRd::Zero();
M << 1., 0., 0., -1.;
return M;

◆ linear_mu

Stokes::ViscosityType HArDCore2D::linear_mu = Stokes::ViscosityType(1.)

◆ linear_p [1/2]

QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType HArDCore2D::linear_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ linear_p [2/2]

Stokes::PressureType HArDCore2D::linear_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ linear_rot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::linear_rot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 2.;

◆ linear_rotrot_u

QuadRot::RotRotType HArDCore2D::linear_rotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x)->VectorRd {
return VectorRd::Zero();

◆ linear_scalar [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::linear_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 1. + x(0) + 2. * x(1);

◆ linear_scalar [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::linear_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 1. + x(0) + 2. * x(1);

◆ linear_u [1/2]

QuadRot::PotentialType HArDCore2D::linear_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd u_x;
u_x << -(x(1) - 0.5), (x(0) - 0.5);
return u_x;

◆ linear_u [2/2]

Stokes::VelocityType HArDCore2D::linear_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return VectorRd(x(0), -x(1));

◆ linear_vector [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::linear_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
1. + x(0) - x(1),
2. + 2. * x(1) + x(0)

◆ linear_vector [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::linear_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
1. + x(0) - x(1),
2. + 2. * x(1) + x(0)

◆ PI [1/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [2/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [3/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [4/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [5/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [6/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [7/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ PI [8/8]

const double HArDCore2D::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

◆ pressure_scaling

double HArDCore2D::pressure_scaling = 1.

◆ q

auto HArDCore2D::q
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1));

◆ quadratic_f

QuadRot::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::quadratic_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd f_x;
f_x << 0., 0.;
return f_x;

◆ quadratic_p

QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType HArDCore2D::quadratic_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ quadratic_rot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::quadratic_rot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 2. * ( x(0) + x(1) - 1 );

◆ quadratic_rotrot_u

QuadRot::RotRotType HArDCore2D::quadratic_rotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x)->VectorRd {
VectorRd rotrot_u_x;
rotrot_u_x << 2., -2.;
return rotrot_u_x;

◆ quadratic_scalar [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::quadratic_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return linear_scalar(x) + std::pow(x(0), 2) + 2. * std::pow(x(1), 2);
static std::function< double(const Eigen::Vector2d &)> linear_scalar
Definition: xgrad-test.hpp:41

◆ quadratic_scalar [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::quadratic_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return linear_scalar(x) + std::pow(x(0), 2) + 2. * std::pow(x(1), 2);

◆ quadratic_u

QuadRot::PotentialType HArDCore2D::quadratic_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd u_x;
u_x << -pow(x(1) - 0.5, 2), pow(x(0) - 0.5, 2);
return u_x;

◆ quadratic_vector

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::quadratic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
1. + x(0)*x(0) - x(1)*x(0),
2. + 2. * x(1)*x(1) + x(0)*x(1)

◆ quartic_f [1/2]

QuadRot::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::quartic_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd f_x;
f_x << -24. + (1. - 2. * x(0)) * x(1) * (1. - x(1)),
24. + x(0) * (1. - x(0)) * (1. - 2. * x(1));
return f_x;

◆ quartic_f [2/2]

KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::quartic_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 48.;

◆ quartic_p

QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType HArDCore2D::quartic_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return x(0) * (1. - x(0)) * x(1) * (1. - x(1));

◆ quartic_rot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::quartic_rot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 4. * ( pow(x(0)- 0.5, 3) + pow(x(1) - 0.5, 3) );

◆ quartic_rotrot_u

QuadRot::RotRotType HArDCore2D::quartic_rotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x)->VectorRd {
VectorRd rotrot_u_x;
rotrot_u_x << 12. * pow(x(1) - 0.5, 2),
-12. * pow(x(0) - 0.5 , 2);
return rotrot_u_x;

◆ quartic_sigma

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType HArDCore2D::quartic_sigma
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> Eigen::Matrix2d {
Eigen::Matrix2d M;
M <<
2.*(pow(x(0),2)+4.*x(0)*(x(0)-1.)+pow(1.-x(0),2)), 0.,
0., 2.*(pow(x(1),2)+4.*x(1)*(x(1)-1.)+pow(1.-x(1),2));
return -M;

◆ quartic_sigma_DE

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType HArDCore2D::quartic_sigma_DE
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x, const Edge & E) -> double {
Eigen::Vector2d grad_sigma11 { -24.*x(0)+12., 0. };
Eigen::Vector2d grad_sigma12 { 0., 0. };
Eigen::Vector2d grad_sigma22 { 0., -24.*x(1)+12. };
Eigen::Vector2d tE = E.tangent();
Eigen::Vector2d nE = E.normal();
Eigen::Matrix2d dtE_sigma;
dtE_sigma <<
grad_sigma11.dot(tE), grad_sigma12.dot(tE),
grad_sigma12.dot(tE), grad_sigma22.dot(tE);
Eigen::Vector2d div_sigma {
grad_sigma11(0) + grad_sigma12(1),
grad_sigma12(0) + grad_sigma22(1)
return (dtE_sigma*nE).dot(tE) + div_sigma.dot(nE);
Polytope< 1 > Edge
A Face is a Polytope with object_dim = DIMENSION - 1.
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:147

◆ quartic_u [1/2]

QuadRot::PotentialType HArDCore2D::quartic_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd u_x;
u_x << -pow(x(1) - 0.5, 4), pow(x(0) - 0.5, 4);
return u_x;

◆ quartic_u [2/2]

KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType HArDCore2D::quartic_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return pow(x(0),2)*pow(1.-x(0),2) + pow(x(1),2)*pow(1.-x(1),2);

◆ rot_constant_vector [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_constant_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ rot_constant_vector [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_constant_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ rot_cubic_vector

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_cubic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return x(0)*x(0)+x(1)*x(1);

◆ rot_linear_vector [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_linear_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 2;

◆ rot_linear_vector [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_linear_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return 2;

◆ rot_q

auto HArDCore2D::rot_q
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return PI * Eigen::Vector2d(
- sin(PI * x(0)) * cos(PI * x(1)),
cos(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1))

◆ rot_quadratic_vector

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_quadratic_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return x(0)+x(1);

◆ rot_trigonometric_vector [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_trigonometric_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return PI*cos(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)) - PI*sin(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1));

◆ rot_trigonometric_vector [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::rot_trigonometric_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return PI*cos(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)) - PI*sin(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1));

◆ simple_f

KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::simple_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 0.;

◆ simple_sigma

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType HArDCore2D::simple_sigma
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> Eigen::Matrix2d {
Eigen::Matrix2d M;
M.row(0) << 0., 0.;
M.row(1) << 0., 0.;
return M;

◆ simple_sigma_DE

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType HArDCore2D::simple_sigma_DE

◆ simple_u

KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType HArDCore2D::simple_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 1.;

◆ trigonometric_f [1/3]

QuadRot::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd f_x;
f_x << -4. * pow(PI, 4) * sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1))) + PI * cos(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
4. * pow(PI, 4) * sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1))) + PI * sin(PI * x(0)) * cos(PI * x(1));
return f_x;

◆ trigonometric_f [2/3]

Stokes::MomentumForcingTermType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return -2. * exp(x(0)) * VectorRd(sin(x(1)), cos(x(1)))
static Stokes::PressureGradientType trigonometric_gradp
Definition: hho-stokes.hpp:332

◆ trigonometric_f [3/3]

KirchhoffLove::ForcingTermType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_f
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 4.*pow(PI, 4)*sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1));

◆ trigonometric_g

Stokes::CompressibilityForcingTermType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_g = [](const VectorRd & x)->double { return trigonometric_gradu(x).trace();}

◆ trigonometric_gradp

Stokes::PressureGradientType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_gradp
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return 2. * exp(x(0)) * VectorRd(sin(x(1)), cos(x(1)));

◆ trigonometric_gradu

Stokes::VelocityGradientType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_gradu
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> MatrixRd {
MatrixRd M = MatrixRd::Zero();
M <<
-x(1) * cos(x(1)) - sin(x(1)), -2. * cos(x(1)) + x(1) * sin(x(1)),
x(1) * sin(x(1)), sin(x(1)) + x(1) * cos(x(1));
M *= exp(x(0));
return M;

◆ trigonometric_mu

Stokes::ViscosityType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_mu = Stokes::ViscosityType(1.)

◆ trigonometric_p [1/2]

QuadRot::LagrangeMultiplierType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1));

◆ trigonometric_p [2/2]

Stokes::PressureType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_p
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 2. * exp(x(0)) * sin(x(1)) - 2. * (exp(1) - 1.) * (1. - cos(1.));

◆ trigonometric_q

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::trigonometric_q
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1));

◆ trigonometric_rot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_rot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 2. * PI * cos(PI * (x(0) + x(1)));

◆ trigonometric_rotrot_u

QuadRot::RotRotType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_rotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd rotrot_u_x;
rotrot_u_x << -sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1))), sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1)));
return pow(PI, 2) * rotrot_u_x;

◆ trigonometric_rotrotrot_u

QuadRot::RotorType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_rotrotrot_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return 4. * pow(PI, 3) * cos(PI * (x(0) + x(1)));

◆ trigonometric_scalar [1/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::trigonometric_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1));

◆ trigonometric_scalar [2/2]

std::function<double(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::trigonometric_scalar
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> double {
return sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1));

◆ trigonometric_sigma

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_sigma
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> Eigen::Matrix2d {
Eigen::Matrix2d M;
M.row(0) << -sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1)), cos(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1));
M.row(1) << cos(PI*x(0))*cos(PI*x(1)), -sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1));
return -pow(PI, 2) * M;

◆ trigonometric_sigma_DE

KirchhoffLove::MomentTensorEdgeDerivativeType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_sigma_DE

◆ trigonometric_u [1/3]

QuadRot::PotentialType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
VectorRd u_x;
u_x << -sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1))), sin(PI * (x(0) + x(1)));
return u_x;

◆ trigonometric_u [2/3]

Stokes::VelocityType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> VectorRd {
return exp(x(0)) * VectorRd(
-(x(1) * cos(x(1)) + sin(x(1))),
x(1) * sin(x(1))

◆ trigonometric_u [3/3]

KirchhoffLove::DeflectionType HArDCore2D::trigonometric_u
Initial value:
= [](const VectorRd & x) -> double {
return sin(PI*x(0))*sin(PI*x(1));

◆ trigonometric_vector [1/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::trigonometric_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1))

◆ trigonometric_vector [2/2]

std::function<Eigen::Vector2d(const Eigen::Vector2d&)> HArDCore2D::trigonometric_vector
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1))

◆ v

auto HArDCore2D::v
Initial value:
= [](const Eigen::Vector2d & x) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d(
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1)),
sin(PI * x(0)) * sin(PI * x(1))