Hybrid Arbitrary Degree::Core 2D - Library to implement 2D schemes with edge and cell polynomials as unknowns
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables

Various general functions and classes. More...


class  HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable
 Base class for global DOF spaces. Provides functions to manipulate global DOFs (the local version being provided by LocalDOFTable). More...
class  HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace
 Base class for global DOF spaces. Provides functions to manipulate global DOFs (the local version being provided by LocalDOFSpace). More...
struct  HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight
 Structure for weights (scalar, at the moment) in integral. More...
class  HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >
 This structure is a wrapper to allow a given code to select various linear solvers. More...
struct  HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation
 Structure to store information for, and perform, local static condensation. More...
class  HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace
 Base class for local DOF spaces: functions to access local DOFs (organised from the smallest dimension to the largest) associated with each geometric entity. More...
class  Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >
 Class to invoke the Pastix LU solver. More...
class  Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >
 Class to invoke the Pastix LLT solver. More...
class  Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >
 Class to invoke the Pastix LDLT solver. More...
struct  Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< Pastix >
struct  Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >
struct  Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
struct  Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
class  Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >
struct  HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< GeometricSupport >
 Basis dimensions for various polynomial spaces on edges/faces/elements (when relevant): Pk, Gk, Rk and complements. More...
struct  HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >
struct  HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Edge >


#define PASTIX_COMPLEX   std::complex<float>
#define PASTIX_DCOMPLEX   std::complex<double>


template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::EigenLUType = Eigen::SparseLU< MatrixType >
template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::EigenBiCGStabType = Eigen::BiCGSTAB< MatrixType, Eigen::IncompleteLUT< double > >
template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::PardisoLUType = bool
template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::UMFPACKType = bool
using HArDCore2D::PastixLUType = bool
using HArDCore2D::PastixLLTType = bool
template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::ListSolvers = std::tuple< std::unique_ptr< EigenLUType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< EigenBiCGStabType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< PardisoLUType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< UMFPACKType< MatrixType > >, std::unique_ptr< PastixLUType >, std::unique_ptr< PastixLLTType > >
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::MatrixType
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::Scalar
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::RealScalar
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::StorageIndex
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::MatrixType
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::Scalar
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::RealScalar
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::StorageIndex
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::MatrixType
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::Scalar
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::RealScalar
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::StorageIndex
typedef SparseSolverBase< Derived > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Base
typedef internal::pastix_traits< Derived >::MatrixType Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::_MatrixType
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::MatrixType
typedef MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Scalar
typedef MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::RealScalar
typedef MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::StorageIndex
typedef Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, 1 > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Vector
typedef SparseMatrix< Scalar, ColMajor > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::ColSpMatrix
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::MatrixType
typedef PastixBase< PastixLU< MatrixType > > Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::Base
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::ColSpMatrix
typedef MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::StorageIndex
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::MatrixType
typedef PastixBase< PastixLLT< MatrixType, _UpLo > > Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Base
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::ColSpMatrix
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::MatrixType
typedef PastixBase< PastixLDLT< MatrixType, _UpLo > > Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Base
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::ColSpMatrix


enum  HArDCore2D::SolverName {
  HArDCore2D::EigenLU , HArDCore2D::EigenBiCGStab , HArDCore2D::PardisoLU , HArDCore2D::UMFPACK ,
  HArDCore2D::PaStiXLU , HArDCore2D::PaStiXLLT
 Enumeration of all available solvers. More...
enum  { Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime , Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime }
enum  { Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::UpLo = _UpLo }
enum  { Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::UpLo = _UpLo }


 HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::GlobalDOFTable (const DiscreteSpaceDescriptor &descriptor)
 Constructor. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset (const Vertex &V) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the vertex V. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset (const Edge &E) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the edge E. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset (const Cell &T) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the cell T. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrictEdge (size_t iE, const Eigen::VectorXd &vh) const
 Restrict to the edge (including its vertices) of index iE. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrictCell (size_t iT, const Eigen::VectorXd &vh) const
 Restrict to the cell (including vertices and edges) of index iT. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrict (const Edge &E, const Eigen::VectorXd vh) const
 Restrict to an edge. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrict (const Cell &T, const Eigen::VectorXd vh) const
 Restrict to a cell. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::extendOperator (const Cell &T, const Edge &E, const Eigen::MatrixXd &opE) const
 Extend an edge operator to a cell. More...
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalDOFIndices (const Cell &T) const
void HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::setLabelDOF (const size_t i, const int label)
 Set a label to the DOF number i (default label is -1) More...
int HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::getLabelDOF (const size_t i)
 Get label of DOF number i. More...
std::pair< double, double > HArDCore2D::store_times (boost::timer::cpu_timer &timer, std::string message="")
 Function to store and display wall/proc timers from boost::timer::cpu_timer. More...
 HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::GlobalDOFSpace (const Mesh &mesh, size_t n_local_vertex_dofs, size_t n_local_edge_dofs, size_t n_local_cell_dofs)
 Constructor. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset (const Vertex &V) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the vertex V. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset (const Edge &E) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the edge E. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset (const Cell &T) const
 Return the global offset for the unknowns on the cell T. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrictEdge (size_t iE, const Eigen::VectorXd &vh) const
 Restrict to the edge (including its vertices) of index iE. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrictCell (size_t iT, const Eigen::VectorXd &vh) const
 Restrict to the cell (including vertices and edges) of index iT. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrict (const Edge &E, const Eigen::VectorXd vh) const
 Restrict to an edge. More...
Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrict (const Cell &T, const Eigen::VectorXd vh) const
 Restrict to a cell. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::extendOperator (const Cell &T, const Edge &E, const Eigen::MatrixXd &opE) const
 Extend an edge operator to a cell. More...
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalDOFIndices (const Cell &T) const
void HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::setLabelDOF (const size_t i, const int label)
 Set a label to the DOF number i (default label is -1) More...
int HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::getLabelDOF (const size_t i)
 Get label of DOF number i. More...
 HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::IntegralWeight (const std::function< double(const Cell &T, const Eigen::Vector2d &x)> _value, std::function< size_t(const Cell &T)> _deg)
 HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::IntegralWeight (double val)
 HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::LinearSolver (const std::string &namesolver)
 Constructor. More...
std::string HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::name () const
 Returns the name of the solver. More...
Eigen::ComputationInfo HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::info_factorize () const
 Returns the information message after the "factorize" step. More...
Eigen::ComputationInfo HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::info_solve () const
 Returns the information message after the "solve" step. More...
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::analyzePattern (MatrixType &A)
 Analyze the pattern of the matrix. More...
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::factorize (MatrixType &A)
 Factorize the matrix. More...
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::compute (MatrixType &A)
 Analyze and factorize the matrix. More...
template<typename VectorType >
VectorType HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::solve (VectorType &b)
 Solve the system Ax=b using the selected solver (after analysis of pattern and computation of matrix) More...
template<typename VectorType >
VectorType HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::compute_and_solve (MatrixType &A, VectorType &b)
 Perform all operators to solve Ax=b. More...
template<typename VectorType >
double HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::residual (MatrixType &A, VectorType &b, VectorType &x)
 Check relative infinity norm of residual: ||Ax-b||/||b||. More...
 HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::LocalStaticCondensation (const Eigen::MatrixXd &Perm, const std::vector< size_t > &globalDOFs_gl, const std::vector< size_t > &globalDOFs_sc)
 Constructor. More...
std::tuple< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::compute (const std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd > &lsT)
 Compute the local static condensation. More...
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_gl ()
 Returns global DOFs that are not statically condensend. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_gl ()
 Returns the number of DOFs that are not statically condensed. More...
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_sys ()
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_sys ()
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_sc ()
 Returns global DOFs that are statically condensend. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_sc ()
 Returns the number of DOFs that are statically condensed. More...
 HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::LocalDOFSpace (const Mesh &mesh, size_t n_local_vertex_dofs, size_t n_local_edge_dofs, size_t n_local_cell_dofs)
 Constructor. More...
const MeshHArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::mesh () const
 Returns the mesh. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsVertex () const
 Returns the number of local vertex DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsEdge () const
 Returns the number of local edge DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsCell () const
 Returns the number of local cell DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimension () const
 Returns the dimension of the global space (all DOFs for all geometric entities) More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsVertices () const
 Returns the total number of vertex DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsEdges () const
 Returns the total number of vertex DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsCells () const
 Returns the total number of vertex DOFs. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionVertex (const Vertex &V) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the vertex V. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionVertex (size_t iV) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the vertex of index iV. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionEdge (const Edge &E) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the edge E (including vertices) More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionEdge (size_t iE) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the edge of index iE (including vertices) More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCell (const Cell &T) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the cell T (including faces, edges and vertices) More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCellBoundary (const Cell &T) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the boundary of T. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCell (size_t iT) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the cell of index iT (including faces, edges and vertices) More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCellBoundary (size_t iT) const
 Returns the dimension of the local space on the boundary of T. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset (const Edge &E, const Vertex &V) const
 Returns the local offset of the vertex V with respect to the edge E. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset (const Edge &E) const
 Returns the local offset of the unknowns attached to the edge E. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset (const Cell &T, const Vertex &V) const
 Returns the local offset of the vertex V with respect to the cell T. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset (const Cell &T, const Edge &E) const
 Returns the local offset of the edge E with respect to the cell T. More...
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset (const Cell &T) const
 Returns the local offset of the unknowns attached to the element T. More...
static std::pair< std::vector< int >, std::vector< int > > HArDCore2D::distributeLoad (size_t nb_elements, unsigned nb_threads)
 Function to distribute elements (considered as jobs) over threads. It returns a pair of vectors indicating the start and end element of each thread. More...
static void HArDCore2D::parallel_for (unsigned nb_elements, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end)> functor, bool use_threads=true, unsigned nb_threads_max=1e9)
 Generic function to execute threaded processes. More...
static std::pair< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd > HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets, Eigen::VectorXd *rhs)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble global matrix and right-hand side from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
static std::tuple< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system1, std::pair< size_t, size_t > size_Mat2, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble two global matrices and one vector (such as: system matrix+vector and matrix for BC) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
static std::tuple< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >, Eigen::VectorXd > HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system (size_t nb_elements, size_t size_system1, std::pair< size_t, size_t > size_Mat2, size_t size_b2, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2, Eigen::VectorXd *vec2)> batch_local_assembly, bool use_threads=true)
 Function to assemble two global matrices and vectors (such as: system and static condensation operator) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions. More...
int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix (pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, int n, int *ptr, int *idx, float *vals, int *perm, int *invp, float *x, int nbrhs, int *iparm, double *dparm)
int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix (pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, int n, int *ptr, int *idx, double *vals, int *perm, int *invp, double *x, int nbrhs, int *iparm, double *dparm)
int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix (pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, int n, int *ptr, int *idx, std::complex< float > *vals, int *perm, int *invp, std::complex< float > *x, int nbrhs, int *iparm, double *dparm)
int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix (pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, int n, int *ptr, int *idx, std::complex< double > *vals, int *perm, int *invp, std::complex< double > *x, int nbrhs, int *iparm, double *dparm)
template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::internal::c_to_fortran_numbering (MatrixType &mat)
template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::internal::fortran_to_c_numbering (MatrixType &mat)
 Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::PastixBase ()
 Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::~PastixBase ()
template<typename Rhs , typename Dest >
bool Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::_solve_impl (const MatrixBase< Rhs > &b, MatrixBase< Dest > &x) const
Array< StorageIndex, IPARM_SIZE, 1 > & Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::iparm ()
int & Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::iparm (int idxparam)
Array< double, DPARM_SIZE, 1 > & Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::dparm ()
double & Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::dparm (int idxparam)
Index Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::cols () const
Index Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::rows () const
ComputationInfo Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::info () const
 Reports whether previous computation was successful. More...
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::init (double eps_refinement=-1.0, double eps_ctrl=-1.0)
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::analyzePattern (ColSpMatrix &mat)
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::factorize (ColSpMatrix &mat)
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::clean ()
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::compute (ColSpMatrix &mat)
 Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::PastixLU ()
 Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::PastixLU (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::compute (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::analyzePattern (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::factorize (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::init (double eps_refinement=-1.0, double eps_ctrl=-1.0)
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::grabMatrix (const MatrixType &matrix, ColSpMatrix &out)
 Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLLT ()
 Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLLT (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::compute (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::analyzePattern (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::factorize (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::init ()
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::grabMatrix (const MatrixType &matrix, ColSpMatrix &out)
 Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLDLT ()
 Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLDLT (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::compute (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::analyzePattern (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::factorize (const MatrixType &matrix)
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::init ()
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::grabMatrix (const MatrixType &matrix, ColSpMatrix &out)
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Poly (int k)
 Dimension of Pk(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Goly (int k)
 Dimension of Gk(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::GolyCompl (int k)
 Dimension of Gck(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Roly (int k)
 Dimension of Rk(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::RolyCompl (int k)
 Dimension of Rck(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Holy (int k)
 Dimension of Hk(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::HolyCompl (int k)
 Dimension of Hck(T) More...
static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Edge >::Poly (int k)
 Dimension of Pk(E) More...


std::function< double(const Cell &T, const Eigen::Vector2d &x)> HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::value
std::function< size_t(const Cell &T)> HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::deg
std::map< std::string, int > HArDCore2D::ParamName
 To parse optional Solver parameter from command line. More...
std::vector< double > HArDCore2D::SolverParam
 Create space and stores default values of optional solver parameters. More...
const char * HArDCore2D::SolverParamHelper
 Create a solver specific description in boost::desc.options. More...
std::map< std::string, SolverNameHArDCore2D::map_solver
 Map to associate to each lowercase name a solver. More...
std::map< SolverName, std::string > HArDCore2D::map_realname
 Map to associate to each solver its proper name. More...
std::map< SolverName, size_t > HArDCore2D::map_id
Eigen::MatrixXd HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_Perm
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_globalDOFs_gl
std::vector< size_t > HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_globalDOFs_sc
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_dim_gl
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_dim_sc
const MeshHArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_mesh
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_vertex_dofs
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_edge_dofs
size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_cell_dofs
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_initisOk
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_analysisIsOk
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_factorizationIsOk
ComputationInfo Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_info
pastix_data_t * Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_pastixdata
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_comm
Array< int, IPARM_SIZE, 1 > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_iparm
Array< double, DPARM_SIZE, 1 > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_dparm
Matrix< StorageIndex, Dynamic, 1 > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_perm
Matrix< StorageIndex, Dynamic, 1 > Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_invp
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_size
ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::m_transposedStructure
bool Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::m_structureIsUptodate

Detailed Description

Various general functions and classes.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PASTIX_COMPLEX   std::complex<float>


#define PASTIX_DCOMPLEX   std::complex<double>

Typedef Documentation

◆ _MatrixType

template<class Derived >
typedef internal::pastix_traits<Derived>::MatrixType Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::_MatrixType

◆ Base [1/4]

template<class Derived >
typedef SparseSolverBase<Derived> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Base

◆ Base [2/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
typedef PastixBase<PastixLU<MatrixType> > Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::Base

◆ Base [3/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef PastixBase<PastixLLT<MatrixType, _UpLo> > Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Base

◆ Base [4/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef PastixBase<PastixLDLT<MatrixType, _UpLo> > Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Base

◆ ColSpMatrix [1/4]

template<class Derived >
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, ColMajor> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::ColSpMatrix

◆ ColSpMatrix [2/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::ColSpMatrix

◆ ColSpMatrix [3/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::ColSpMatrix

◆ ColSpMatrix [4/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef Base::ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::ColSpMatrix

◆ EigenBiCGStabType

template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::EigenBiCGStabType = typedef Eigen::BiCGSTAB<MatrixType, Eigen::IncompleteLUT<double> >

◆ EigenLUType

template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::EigenLUType = typedef Eigen::SparseLU<MatrixType>

◆ ListSolvers

template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::ListSolvers = typedef std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<EigenLUType<MatrixType> >, std::unique_ptr<EigenBiCGStabType<MatrixType> >, std::unique_ptr<PardisoLUType<MatrixType> >, std::unique_ptr<UMFPACKType<MatrixType> >, std::unique_ptr<PastixLUType>, std::unique_ptr<PastixLLTType> >

◆ MatrixType [1/7]

template<typename _MatrixType >
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [2/7]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [3/7]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [4/7]

template<class Derived >
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [5/7]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [6/7]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::MatrixType

◆ MatrixType [7/7]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
typedef _MatrixType Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::MatrixType

◆ PardisoLUType

template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::PardisoLUType = typedef bool

◆ PastixLLTType

using HArDCore2D::PastixLLTType = typedef bool

◆ PastixLUType

using HArDCore2D::PastixLUType = typedef bool

◆ RealScalar [1/4]

template<typename _MatrixType >
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::RealScalar

◆ RealScalar [2/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::RealScalar

◆ RealScalar [3/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::RealScalar

◆ RealScalar [4/4]

template<class Derived >
typedef MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::RealScalar

◆ Scalar [1/4]

template<typename _MatrixType >
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::Scalar

◆ Scalar [2/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::Scalar

◆ Scalar [3/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::Scalar

◆ Scalar [4/4]

template<class Derived >
typedef MatrixType::Scalar Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Scalar

◆ StorageIndex [1/5]

template<typename _MatrixType >
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >::StorageIndex

◆ StorageIndex [2/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::StorageIndex

◆ StorageIndex [3/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int Options>
typedef _MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >::StorageIndex

◆ StorageIndex [4/5]

template<class Derived >
typedef MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::StorageIndex

◆ StorageIndex [5/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
typedef MatrixType::StorageIndex Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::StorageIndex


template<typename MatrixType >
using HArDCore2D::UMFPACKType = typedef bool

◆ Vector

template<class Derived >
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::Vector

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

template<class Derived >
anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
anonymous enum

◆ SolverName

Enumeration of all available solvers.


Function Documentation

◆ _solve_impl()

template<typename Base >
template<typename Rhs , typename Dest >
bool Eigen::PastixBase< Base >::_solve_impl ( const MatrixBase< Rhs > &  b,
MatrixBase< Dest > &  x 
) const

◆ analyzePattern() [1/5]

template<class Derived >
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::analyzePattern ( ColSpMatrix mat)

◆ analyzePattern() [2/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::analyzePattern ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LU symbolic factorization of matrix using its sparsity pattern. Several ordering methods can be used at this step. See the PaStiX user's manual. The result of this operation can be used with successive matrices having the same pattern as matrix

See also

◆ analyzePattern() [3/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::analyzePattern ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LL^T symbolic factorization of matrix using its sparsity pattern The result of this operation can be used with successive matrices having the same pattern as matrix

See also

◆ analyzePattern() [4/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::analyzePattern ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LDL^T symbolic factorization of matrix using its sparsity pattern The result of this operation can be used with successive matrices having the same pattern as matrix

See also

◆ analyzePattern() [5/5]

template<typename MatrixType >
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::analyzePattern ( MatrixType &  A)

Analyze the pattern of the matrix.

AMatrix of the system to solve

◆ c_to_fortran_numbering()

template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::internal::c_to_fortran_numbering ( MatrixType &  mat)

◆ clean()

template<class Derived >
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::clean ( )

◆ cols()

template<class Derived >
Index Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::cols ( ) const

◆ compute() [1/6]

template<class Derived >
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::compute ( ColSpMatrix mat)

◆ compute() [2/6]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::compute ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LU supernodal factorization of matrix. iparm and dparm can be used to tune the PaStiX parameters. see the PaStiX user's manual

See also
analyzePattern() factorize()

◆ compute() [3/6]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::compute ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the L factor of the LL^T supernodal factorization of matrix

See also
analyzePattern() factorize()

◆ compute() [4/6]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::compute ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the L and D factors of the LDL^T factorization of matrix

See also
analyzePattern() factorize()

◆ compute() [5/6]

std::tuple<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::compute ( const std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd > &  lsT)

Compute the local static condensation.

From a local pair of Matrix-Vector product, constructed with all the DOFs, returns a 4-tuple; the first two elements are the matrix-vector of the locally statically condensed system, the last two elements are the matrix-vector of the local recovery operator

◆ compute() [6/6]

template<typename MatrixType >
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::compute ( MatrixType &  A)

Analyze and factorize the matrix.

AMatrix of the system to solve

◆ compute_and_solve()

template<typename MatrixType >
template<typename VectorType >
VectorType HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::compute_and_solve ( MatrixType &  A,
VectorType &  b 

Perform all operators to solve Ax=b.

AMatrix of the system to solve
bRight-hand side of the system

◆ dim_gl()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_gl ( )

Returns the number of DOFs that are not statically condensed.

◆ dim_sc()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_sc ( )

Returns the number of DOFs that are statically condensed.

◆ dim_sys()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::dim_sys ( )

◆ dimension()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimension ( ) const

Returns the dimension of the global space (all DOFs for all geometric entities)

◆ dimensionCell() [1/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCell ( const Cell &  T) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the cell T (including faces, edges and vertices)

◆ dimensionCell() [2/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCell ( size_t  iT) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the cell of index iT (including faces, edges and vertices)

◆ dimensionCellBoundary() [1/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCellBoundary ( const Cell &  T) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the boundary of T.

◆ dimensionCellBoundary() [2/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionCellBoundary ( size_t  iT) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the boundary of T.

◆ dimensionEdge() [1/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionEdge ( const Edge &  E) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the edge E (including vertices)

◆ dimensionEdge() [2/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionEdge ( size_t  iE) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the edge of index iE (including vertices)

◆ dimensionVertex() [1/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionVertex ( const Vertex &  V) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the vertex V.

◆ dimensionVertex() [2/2]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::dimensionVertex ( size_t  iV) const

Returns the dimension of the local space on the vertex of index iV.

◆ distributeLoad()

static std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> > HArDCore2D::distributeLoad ( size_t  nb_elements,
unsigned  nb_threads 

Function to distribute elements (considered as jobs) over threads. It returns a pair of vectors indicating the start and end element of each thread.

◆ dparm() [1/2]

template<class Derived >
Array<double,DPARM_SIZE,1>& Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::dparm ( )

Returns a reference to the double vector DPARM of PaStiX parameters The statistics related to the different phases of factorization and solve are saved here as well

See also
analyzePattern() factorize()

◆ dparm() [2/2]

template<class Derived >
double& Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::dparm ( int  idxparam)

Return a reference to a particular index parameter of the DPARM vector

See also

◆ eigen_pastix() [1/4]

int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix ( pastix_data_t **  pastix_data,
PASTIX_Comm  pastix_comm,
int  n,
int *  ptr,
int *  idx,
double *  vals,
int *  perm,
int *  invp,
double *  x,
int  nbrhs,
int *  iparm,
double *  dparm 

◆ eigen_pastix() [2/4]

int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix ( pastix_data_t **  pastix_data,
PASTIX_Comm  pastix_comm,
int  n,
int *  ptr,
int *  idx,
float *  vals,
int *  perm,
int *  invp,
float *  x,
int  nbrhs,
int *  iparm,
double *  dparm 

◆ eigen_pastix() [3/4]

int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix ( pastix_data_t **  pastix_data,
PASTIX_Comm  pastix_comm,
int  n,
int *  ptr,
int *  idx,
std::complex< double > *  vals,
int *  perm,
int *  invp,
std::complex< double > *  x,
int  nbrhs,
int *  iparm,
double *  dparm 

◆ eigen_pastix() [4/4]

int Eigen::internal::eigen_pastix ( pastix_data_t **  pastix_data,
PASTIX_Comm  pastix_comm,
int  n,
int *  ptr,
int *  idx,
std::complex< float > *  vals,
int *  perm,
int *  invp,
std::complex< float > *  x,
int  nbrhs,
int *  iparm,
double *  dparm 

◆ extendOperator() [1/2]

Eigen::MatrixXd GlobalDOFTable::extendOperator ( const Cell &  T,
const Edge &  E,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  opE 
) const

Extend an edge operator to a cell.

◆ extendOperator() [2/2]

Eigen::MatrixXd GlobalDOFSpace::extendOperator ( const Cell &  T,
const Edge &  E,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &  opE 
) const

Extend an edge operator to a cell.

◆ factorize() [1/5]

template<class Derived >
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::factorize ( ColSpMatrix mat)

◆ factorize() [2/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::factorize ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LU supernodal factorization of matrix WARNING The matrix matrix should have the same structural pattern as the same used in the analysis phase.

See also

◆ factorize() [3/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::factorize ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LL^T supernodal numerical factorization of matrix

See also

◆ factorize() [4/5]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::factorize ( const MatrixType matrix)

Compute the LDL^T supernodal numerical factorization of matrix

◆ factorize() [5/5]

template<typename MatrixType >
void HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::factorize ( MatrixType &  A)

Factorize the matrix.

AMatrix of the system to solve

◆ fortran_to_c_numbering()

template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::internal::fortran_to_c_numbering ( MatrixType &  mat)

◆ getLabelDOF() [1/2]

int HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::getLabelDOF ( const size_t  i)

Get label of DOF number i.

◆ getLabelDOF() [2/2]

int HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::getLabelDOF ( const size_t  i)

Get label of DOF number i.

◆ globalDOFIndices() [1/2]

std::vector< size_t > GlobalDOFTable::globalDOFIndices ( const Cell &  T) const

◆ globalDOFIndices() [2/2]

std::vector< size_t > GlobalDOFSpace::globalDOFIndices ( const Cell &  T) const

◆ globalDOFs_gl()

std::vector<size_t> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_gl ( )

Returns global DOFs that are not statically condensend.

◆ globalDOFs_sc()

std::vector<size_t> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_sc ( )

Returns global DOFs that are statically condensend.

◆ globalDOFs_sys()

std::vector<size_t> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::globalDOFs_sys ( )

◆ GlobalDOFSpace()

GlobalDOFSpace::GlobalDOFSpace ( const Mesh mesh,
size_t  n_local_vertex_dofs,
size_t  n_local_edge_dofs,
size_t  n_local_cell_dofs 


◆ GlobalDOFTable()

GlobalDOFTable::GlobalDOFTable ( const DiscreteSpaceDescriptor descriptor)


◆ globalOffset() [1/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset ( const Cell &  T) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the cell T.

◆ globalOffset() [2/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset ( const Cell &  T) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the cell T.

◆ globalOffset() [3/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset ( const Edge &  E) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the edge E.

◆ globalOffset() [4/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset ( const Edge &  E) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the edge E.

◆ globalOffset() [5/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::globalOffset ( const Vertex &  V) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the vertex V.

◆ globalOffset() [6/6]

size_t HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::globalOffset ( const Vertex &  V) const

Return the global offset for the unknowns on the vertex V.

◆ Goly()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Goly ( int  k)

Dimension of Gk(T)

◆ GolyCompl()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::GolyCompl ( int  k)

Dimension of Gck(T)

◆ grabMatrix() [1/3]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::grabMatrix ( const MatrixType matrix,
ColSpMatrix out 

◆ grabMatrix() [2/3]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::grabMatrix ( const MatrixType matrix,
ColSpMatrix out 

◆ grabMatrix() [3/3]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::grabMatrix ( const MatrixType matrix,
ColSpMatrix out 

◆ Holy()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Holy ( int  k)

Dimension of Hk(T)

◆ HolyCompl()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::HolyCompl ( int  k)

Dimension of Hck(T)

◆ info()

template<class Derived >
ComputationInfo Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::info ( ) const

Reports whether previous computation was successful.

Success if computation was successful, NumericalIssue if the PaStiX reports a problem InvalidInput if the input matrix is invalid
See also

◆ info_factorize()

template<typename MatrixType >
Eigen::ComputationInfo HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::info_factorize ( ) const

Returns the information message after the "factorize" step.

◆ info_solve()

template<typename MatrixType >
Eigen::ComputationInfo HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::info_solve ( ) const

Returns the information message after the "solve" step.

◆ init() [1/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::init ( )

◆ init() [2/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
void Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::init ( )

◆ init() [3/4]

template<class Derived >
void Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::init ( double  eps_refinement = -1.0,
double  eps_ctrl = -1.0 

Initialize the PaStiX data structure. A first call to this function fills iparm and dparm with the default PaStiX parameters

See also
iparm() dparm()

◆ init() [4/4]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
void Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::init ( double  eps_refinement = -1.0,
double  eps_ctrl = -1.0 

◆ IntegralWeight() [1/2]

HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::IntegralWeight ( const std::function< double(const Cell &T, const Eigen::Vector2d &x)>  _value,
std::function< size_t(const Cell &T)>  _deg 
_valueValue of weight
_degLocal degree of weight

◆ IntegralWeight() [2/2]

HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::IntegralWeight ( double  val)

◆ iparm() [1/2]

template<class Derived >
Array<StorageIndex,IPARM_SIZE,1>& Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::iparm ( )

Returns a reference to the integer vector IPARM of PaStiX parameters to modify the default parameters. The statistics related to the different phases of factorization and solve are saved here as well

See also
analyzePattern() factorize()

◆ iparm() [2/2]

template<class Derived >
int& Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::iparm ( int  idxparam)

Return a reference to a particular index parameter of the IPARM vector

See also

◆ LinearSolver()

template<typename MatrixType >
HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::LinearSolver ( const std::string &  namesolver)


The name of the solver is not caps-dependent

◆ LocalDOFSpace()

LocalDOFSpace::LocalDOFSpace ( const Mesh mesh,
size_t  n_local_vertex_dofs,
size_t  n_local_edge_dofs,
size_t  n_local_cell_dofs 


◆ localOffset() [1/5]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset ( const Cell &  T) const

Returns the local offset of the unknowns attached to the element T.

◆ localOffset() [2/5]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset ( const Cell &  T,
const Edge &  E 
) const

Returns the local offset of the edge E with respect to the cell T.

◆ localOffset() [3/5]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset ( const Cell &  T,
const Vertex &  V 
) const

Returns the local offset of the vertex V with respect to the cell T.

◆ localOffset() [4/5]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset ( const Edge &  E) const

Returns the local offset of the unknowns attached to the edge E.

◆ localOffset() [5/5]

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::localOffset ( const Edge &  E,
const Vertex &  V 
) const

Returns the local offset of the vertex V with respect to the edge E.

◆ LocalStaticCondensation()

HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::LocalStaticCondensation ( const Eigen::MatrixXd &  Perm,
const std::vector< size_t > &  globalDOFs_gl,
const std::vector< size_t > &  globalDOFs_sc 


PermPermutation that moves the DOFs to condense at the end
globalDOFs_glList of global DOFs that are globally coupled (not statically condensed)
globalDOFs_scList of global DOFs that are statically condensed

◆ mesh()

const Mesh& HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::mesh ( ) const

Returns the mesh.

◆ name()

template<typename MatrixType >
std::string HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::name ( ) const

Returns the name of the solver.

◆ numLocalDofsCell()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsCell ( ) const

Returns the number of local cell DOFs.

◆ numLocalDofsEdge()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsEdge ( ) const

Returns the number of local edge DOFs.

◆ numLocalDofsVertex()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numLocalDofsVertex ( ) const

Returns the number of local vertex DOFs.

◆ numTotalDofsCells()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsCells ( ) const

Returns the total number of vertex DOFs.

◆ numTotalDofsEdges()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsEdges ( ) const

Returns the total number of vertex DOFs.

◆ numTotalDofsVertices()

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::numTotalDofsVertices ( ) const

Returns the total number of vertex DOFs.

◆ parallel_assembly_system() [1/3]

static std::pair<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>, Eigen::VectorXd> HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system ( size_t  nb_elements,
size_t  size_system,
std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets, Eigen::VectorXd *rhs)>  batch_local_assembly,
bool  use_threads = true 

Function to assemble global matrix and right-hand side from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions.

◆ parallel_assembly_system() [2/3]

static std::tuple<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>, Eigen::VectorXd> HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system ( size_t  nb_elements,
size_t  size_system1,
std::pair< size_t, size_t >  size_Mat2,
size_t  size_b2,
std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2, Eigen::VectorXd *vec2)>  batch_local_assembly,
bool  use_threads = true 

Function to assemble two global matrices and vectors (such as: system and static condensation operator) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions.

◆ parallel_assembly_system() [3/3]

static std::tuple<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>, Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > HArDCore2D::parallel_assembly_system ( size_t  nb_elements,
size_t  size_system1,
std::pair< size_t, size_t >  size_Mat2,
std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets1, Eigen::VectorXd *vec1, std::list< Eigen::Triplet< double >> *triplets2)>  batch_local_assembly,
bool  use_threads = true 

Function to assemble two global matrices and one vector (such as: system matrix+vector and matrix for BC) from a procedure that computes local triplets and rhs contributions.

◆ parallel_for()

static void HArDCore2D::parallel_for ( unsigned  nb_elements,
std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end)>  functor,
bool  use_threads = true,
unsigned  nb_threads_max = 1e9 

Generic function to execute threaded processes.

nb_elementsNumber of jobs for the functor function
functorFunction that splits the jobs between two indices of "elements"
use_threadsDo we multithread or not
nb_threads_maxTo limit the number of cores used by the process

◆ PastixBase()

template<class Derived >
Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::PastixBase ( )

◆ PastixLDLT() [1/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLDLT ( )

◆ PastixLDLT() [2/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLDLT ( const MatrixType matrix)

◆ PastixLLT() [1/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLLT ( )

◆ PastixLLT() [2/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , int _UpLo>
Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::PastixLLT ( const MatrixType matrix)

◆ PastixLU() [1/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::PastixLU ( )

◆ PastixLU() [2/2]

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::PastixLU ( const MatrixType matrix)

◆ Poly() [1/2]

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Poly ( int  k)

Dimension of Pk(T)

◆ Poly() [2/2]

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Edge >::Poly ( int  k)

Dimension of Pk(E)

◆ residual()

template<typename MatrixType >
template<typename VectorType >
double HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::residual ( MatrixType &  A,
VectorType &  b,
VectorType &  x 

Check relative infinity norm of residual: ||Ax-b||/||b||.

◆ restrict() [1/4]

Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrict ( const Cell &  T,
const Eigen::VectorXd  vh 
) const

Restrict to a cell.

◆ restrict() [2/4]

Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrict ( const Cell &  T,
const Eigen::VectorXd  vh 
) const

Restrict to a cell.

◆ restrict() [3/4]

Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::restrict ( const Edge &  E,
const Eigen::VectorXd  vh 
) const

Restrict to an edge.

◆ restrict() [4/4]

Eigen::VectorXd HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::restrict ( const Edge &  E,
const Eigen::VectorXd  vh 
) const

Restrict to an edge.

◆ restrictCell() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd GlobalDOFTable::restrictCell ( size_t  iT,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  vh 
) const

Restrict to the cell (including vertices and edges) of index iT.

◆ restrictCell() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd GlobalDOFSpace::restrictCell ( size_t  iT,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  vh 
) const

Restrict to the cell (including vertices and edges) of index iT.

◆ restrictEdge() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXd GlobalDOFTable::restrictEdge ( size_t  iE,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  vh 
) const

Restrict to the edge (including its vertices) of index iE.

◆ restrictEdge() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXd GlobalDOFSpace::restrictEdge ( size_t  iE,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  vh 
) const

Restrict to the edge (including its vertices) of index iE.

◆ Roly()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::Roly ( int  k)

Dimension of Rk(T)

◆ RolyCompl()

static size_t HArDCore2D::PolynomialSpaceDimension< Cell >::RolyCompl ( int  k)

Dimension of Rck(T)

◆ rows()

template<class Derived >
Index Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::rows ( ) const

◆ setLabelDOF() [1/2]

void HArDCore2D::DSL::GlobalDOFTable::setLabelDOF ( const size_t  i,
const int  label 

Set a label to the DOF number i (default label is -1)

◆ setLabelDOF() [2/2]

void HArDCore2D::GlobalDOFSpace::setLabelDOF ( const size_t  i,
const int  label 

Set a label to the DOF number i (default label is -1)

◆ solve()

template<typename MatrixType >
template<typename VectorType >
VectorType HArDCore2D::LinearSolver< MatrixType >::solve ( VectorType &  b)

Solve the system Ax=b using the selected solver (after analysis of pattern and computation of matrix)

bRight-hand side of the system to solve

◆ store_times()

std::pair<double,double> HArDCore2D::store_times ( boost::timer::cpu_timer &  timer,
std::string  message = "" 

Function to store and display wall/proc timers from boost::timer::cpu_timer.

Wall time is in the first element of the pair, proc time in the second

timerThe timer
messageOptional message to display with time (if not message is passed, times are not displayed)

◆ ~PastixBase()

template<class Derived >
Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::~PastixBase ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ deg

std::function<size_t (const Cell & T)> HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::deg

◆ m_analysisIsOk

template<class Derived >
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_analysisIsOk

◆ m_comm

template<class Derived >
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_comm

◆ m_dim_gl

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_dim_gl

◆ m_dim_sc

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_dim_sc

◆ m_dparm

template<class Derived >
Array<double,DPARM_SIZE,1> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_dparm

◆ m_factorizationIsOk

template<class Derived >
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_factorizationIsOk

◆ m_globalDOFs_gl

std::vector<size_t> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_globalDOFs_gl

◆ m_globalDOFs_sc

std::vector<size_t> HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_globalDOFs_sc

◆ m_info

template<class Derived >
ComputationInfo Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_info

◆ m_initisOk

template<class Derived >
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_initisOk

◆ m_invp

template<class Derived >
Matrix<StorageIndex,Dynamic,1> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_invp

◆ m_iparm

template<class Derived >
Array<int,IPARM_SIZE,1> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_iparm

◆ m_mesh

const Mesh& HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_mesh

◆ m_n_local_cell_dofs

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_cell_dofs

◆ m_n_local_edge_dofs

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_edge_dofs

◆ m_n_local_vertex_dofs

size_t HArDCore2D::LocalDOFSpace::m_n_local_vertex_dofs

◆ m_pastixdata

template<class Derived >
pastix_data_t* Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_pastixdata

◆ m_Perm

Eigen::MatrixXd HArDCore2D::LocalStaticCondensation::m_Perm

◆ m_perm

template<class Derived >
Matrix<StorageIndex,Dynamic,1> Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_perm

◆ m_size

template<class Derived >
int Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >::m_size

◆ m_structureIsUptodate

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
bool Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::m_structureIsUptodate

◆ m_transposedStructure

template<typename _MatrixType , bool IsStrSym>
ColSpMatrix Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >::m_transposedStructure

◆ map_id

std::map<SolverName, size_t> HArDCore2D::map_id
Initial value:
= {{EigenLU,0},
@ PaStiXLU
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36
@ EigenLU
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36
@ PardisoLU
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36
@ EigenBiCGStab
Definition: linearsolver.hpp:36

◆ map_realname

std::map<SolverName, std::string> HArDCore2D::map_realname
Initial value:
= {{EigenLU,"Eigen LU"},
{EigenBiCGStab,"Eigen BiCGStab"},
{PardisoLU,"Pardiso LU"},
{PaStiXLU,"PaStiX LU"},
{PaStiXLLT,"PaStiX LLT"}}

Map to associate to each solver its proper name.

◆ map_solver

std::map<std::string, SolverName> HArDCore2D::map_solver
Initial value:
= {{"eigenlu",EigenLU},

Map to associate to each lowercase name a solver.

The user passes a string and this map identifies the solver (this is case-independent)

◆ ParamName

std::map<std::string, int> HArDCore2D::ParamName
Initial value:

To parse optional Solver parameter from command line.

◆ SolverParam

std::vector<double> HArDCore2D::SolverParam
Initial value:

Create space and stores default values of optional solver parameters.

◆ SolverParamHelper

const char* HArDCore2D::SolverParamHelper
Initial value:
"Set the solver parameters, not implemented with this solver, see src/Common/linearsolver.hpp for modifications\n"

Create a solver specific description in boost::desc.options.

◆ value

std::function<double (const Cell & T, const Eigen::Vector2d & x)> HArDCore2D::IntegralWeight::value