Hybrid Arbitrary Degree::Core 2D - Library to implement 2D schemes with edge and cell polynomials as unknowns
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "Polytope2D.hpp"
3 #ifndef _MESH2D_HPP
4 #define _MESH2D_HPP
6 namespace Mesh2D
7 {
8  inline double signed_area(VectorRd A, VectorRd B, VectorRd C) // returns signed area of trangle ABC. Positive if anticlock, negative otherwise
9  {
10  return (A(0) * (B(1) - C(1)) + B(0) * (C(1) - A(1)) + C(0) * (A(1) - B(1))) / 2.0;
11  }
25  class Mesh
26  {
27  public:
28  Mesh() {}
30  {
31  for (auto &vertex : _vertices)
32  {
33  delete vertex;
34  }
35  for (auto &edge : _edges)
36  {
37  delete edge;
38  }
39  for (auto &cell : _cells)
40  {
41  delete cell;
42  }
43  }
45  void set_name(std::string name) { _mesh_name = name; }
46  inline std::string get_name() { return _mesh_name; }
48  double h_max() const
49  {
50  double val = 0.0;
51  for (auto &cell : _cells)
52  {
53  val = std::max(val, cell->diam());
54  }
55  return val;
56  }
58  inline std::size_t dim() const { return DIMENSION; }
60  inline std::size_t n_vertices() const { return _vertices.size(); }
61  inline std::size_t n_edges() const { return _edges.size(); }
62  inline std::size_t n_faces() const { return _edges.size(); }
63  inline std::size_t n_cells() const { return _cells.size(); }
65  inline std::size_t n_b_vertices() const { return _b_vertices.size(); }
66  inline std::size_t n_b_edges() const { return _b_edges.size(); }
67  inline std::size_t n_b_faces() const { return _b_edges.size(); }
68  inline std::size_t n_b_cells() const { return _b_cells.size(); }
70  inline std::size_t n_i_vertices() const { return _i_vertices.size(); }
71  inline std::size_t n_i_edges() const { return _i_edges.size(); }
72  inline std::size_t n_i_faces() const { return _i_edges.size(); }
73  inline std::size_t n_i_cells() const { return _i_cells.size(); }
75  inline std::vector<Vertex *> get_vertices() const { return _vertices; }
76  inline std::vector<Edge *> get_edges() const { return _edges; }
77  inline std::vector<Face *> get_faces() const { return _edges; }
78  inline std::vector<Cell *> get_cells() const { return _cells; }
80  inline std::vector<Vertex *> get_b_vertices() const { return _b_vertices; }
81  inline std::vector<Edge *> get_b_edges() const { return _b_edges; }
82  inline std::vector<Face *> get_b_faces() const { return _b_edges; }
83  inline std::vector<Cell *> get_b_cells() const { return _b_cells; }
85  inline std::vector<Vertex *> get_i_vertices() const { return _i_vertices; }
86  inline std::vector<Edge *> get_i_edges() const { return _i_edges; }
87  inline std::vector<Face *> get_i_faces() const { return _i_edges; }
88  inline std::vector<Cell *> get_i_cells() const { return _i_cells; }
91  {
92  assert(std::find(_vertices.begin(), _vertices.end(), vertex) == _vertices.end());
93  _vertices.push_back(vertex);
94  }
96  void add_edge(Edge *edge)
97  {
98  assert(std::find(_edges.begin(), _edges.end(), edge) == _edges.end());
99  _edges.push_back(edge);
100  }
103  {
104  assert(std::find(_edges.begin(), _edges.end(), face) == _edges.end());
105  _edges.push_back(face);
106  }
109  {
110  assert(std::find(_cells.begin(), _cells.end(), cell) == _cells.end());
111  _cells.push_back(cell);
112  }
115  {
116  assert(std::find(_b_vertices.begin(), _b_vertices.end(), vertex) == _b_vertices.end());
117  _b_vertices.push_back(vertex);
118  }
121  {
122  assert(std::find(_b_edges.begin(), _b_edges.end(), edge) == _b_edges.end());
123  _b_edges.push_back(edge);
124  }
127  {
128  assert(std::find(_b_edges.begin(), _b_edges.end(), face) == _b_edges.end());
129  _b_edges.push_back(face);
130  }
133  {
134  assert(std::find(_b_cells.begin(), _b_cells.end(), cell) == _b_cells.end());
135  _b_cells.push_back(cell);
136  }
139  {
140  assert(std::find(_i_vertices.begin(), _i_vertices.end(), vertex) == _i_vertices.end());
141  _i_vertices.push_back(vertex);
142  }
145  {
146  assert(std::find(_i_edges.begin(), _i_edges.end(), edge) == _i_edges.end());
147  _i_edges.push_back(edge);
148  }
151  {
152  assert(std::find(_i_edges.begin(), _i_edges.end(), face) == _i_edges.end());
153  _i_edges.push_back(face);
154  }
157  {
158  assert(std::find(_i_cells.begin(), _i_cells.end(), cell) == _i_cells.end());
159  _i_cells.push_back(cell);
160  }
162  // Note that all these assume that a MeshObject's index is equal to its position in the mesh!!
163  inline Vertex *vertex(std::size_t index) const
164  {
165  assert(index < _vertices.size());
166  return _vertices[index];
167  }
168  inline Edge *edge(std::size_t index) const
169  {
170  assert(index < _edges.size());
171  return _edges[index];
172  }
173  inline Face *face(std::size_t index) const
174  {
175  assert(index < _edges.size());
176  return _edges[index];
177  }
178  inline Cell *cell(std::size_t index) const
179  {
180  assert(index < _cells.size());
181  return _cells[index];
182  }
184  inline Vertex *b_vertex(std::size_t index) const
185  {
186  assert(index < _b_vertices.size());
187  return _b_vertices[index];
188  }
189  inline Edge *b_edge(std::size_t index) const
190  {
191  assert(index < _b_edges.size());
192  return _b_edges[index];
193  }
194  inline Face *b_face(std::size_t index) const
195  {
196  assert(index < _b_edges.size());
197  return _b_edges[index];
198  }
199  inline Cell *b_cell(std::size_t index) const
200  {
201  assert(index < _b_cells.size());
202  return _b_cells[index];
203  }
205  inline Vertex *i_vertex(std::size_t index) const
206  {
207  assert(index < _i_vertices.size());
208  return _i_vertices[index];
209  }
210  inline Edge *i_edge(std::size_t index) const
211  {
212  assert(index < _i_edges.size());
213  return _i_edges[index];
214  }
215  inline Face *i_face(std::size_t index) const
216  {
217  assert(index < _i_edges.size());
218  return _i_edges[index];
219  }
220  inline Cell *i_cell(std::size_t index) const
221  {
222  assert(index < _i_cells.size());
223  return _i_cells[index];
224  }
226  std::vector<double> regularity()
227  {
235  std::vector<std::vector<double>> reg_cell(n_cells(), {0.0, 0.0});
236  std::size_t count = 0;
237  for (auto &T : _cells)
238  {
239  double hT = T->diam();
240  VectorRd xT = T->center_mass();
242  reg_cell[count][0] = hT / pow(T->measure(), 1.0 / DIMENSION);
244  double rhoT = hT;
245  std::vector<Face *> faces = T->get_faces();
246  for (auto &F : faces)
247  {
248  double hF = F->diam();
249  VectorRd xF = F->center_mass();
250  VectorRd nTF = F->normal(); // sign does not matter
252  reg_cell[count][0] = std::max(reg_cell[count][0], hT / hF);
254  rhoT = std::min(rhoT, std::abs((xT - xF).dot(nTF))); // If xT is not in T, is this really a good measure?
255  }
256  reg_cell[count][1] = hT / rhoT;
257  ++count; // could just use iterators
258  }
260  std::vector<double> value(2, 0.0);
261  for (size_t iT = 0; iT < n_cells(); iT++)
262  {
263  value[0] = std::max(value[0], reg_cell[iT][0]);
264  value[1] = std::max(value[1], reg_cell[iT][1]);
265  }
267  return value;
268  }
270  void renum(const char B, const std::vector<size_t> new_to_old)
271  {
273  switch (B)
274  {
275  case 'C':
276  {
277  std::vector<Cell *> old_index = _cells;
278  for (size_t i = 0; i < _cells.size(); i++)
279  {
280  old_index[new_to_old[i]]->set_global_index(i);
281  _cells[i] = old_index[new_to_old[i]];
282  }
283  break;
284  }
286  case 'F':
287  {
288  std::vector<Face *> old_index = _edges;
289  for (size_t i = 0; i < _edges.size(); i++)
290  {
291  old_index[new_to_old[i]]->set_global_index(i);
292  _edges[i] = old_index[new_to_old[i]];
293  }
294  break;
295  }
297  case 'E':
298  {
299  std::vector<Edge *> old_index = _edges;
300  for (size_t i = 0; i < _edges.size(); i++)
301  {
302  old_index[new_to_old[i]]->set_global_index(i);
303  _edges[i] = old_index[new_to_old[i]];
304  }
305  break;
306  }
308  case 'V':
309  {
310  std::vector<Vertex *> old_index = _vertices;
311  for (size_t i = 0; i < _vertices.size(); i++)
312  {
313  old_index[new_to_old[i]]->set_global_index(i);
314  _vertices[i] = old_index[new_to_old[i]];
315  }
316  break;
317  }
318  }
319  }
321  size_t find_cell(const VectorRd x) const
322  {
324  // Locate neighbouring cells
325  std::vector<size_t> neighbouring_cells;
326  for (Cell *T : get_cells())
327  {
328  if ((T->center_mass() - x).norm() <= T->diam())
329  {
330  neighbouring_cells.push_back(T->global_index());
331  }
332  }
334  // In neighbouring cells, find one such that x is contained in one of the subtriangles
335  size_t i = 0;
336  bool found = false;
337  size_t iT = 0;
338  while (i < neighbouring_cells.size() && !found)
339  {
340  iT = neighbouring_cells[i];
341  Cell *T = cell(iT);
343  for(auto& simplex : T->get_simplices())
344  {
345  double area1 = signed_area(x, simplex[0], simplex[1]);
346  double area2 = signed_area(x, simplex[1], simplex[2]);
347  double area3 = signed_area(x, simplex[2], simplex[0]);
349  found = (area1 >= 0.0 && area2 >= 0.0 && area3 >= 0.0) || (area1 <= 0.0 && area2 <= 0.0 && area3 <= 0.0); // if all non neg or non pos must be in or on triangle
350  if(found) break;
351  }
352  ++i;
353  }
354  assert(found);
356  return iT;
357  }
359  void plot_simplices(std::ofstream *out)
360  {
361  for (auto &cell : _cells)
362  {
363  cell->plot_simplices(out);
364  }
365  }
367  void plot_mesh(std::ofstream *out)
368  {
369  for (auto &edge : _edges)
370  {
371  edge->plot(out);
372  }
373  }
375  private:
376  std::string _mesh_name;
378  std::vector<Vertex *> _vertices;
379  std::vector<Edge *> _edges;
380  // std::vector<Face*> _faces;
381  std::vector<Cell *> _cells;
383  std::vector<Vertex *> _b_vertices;
384  std::vector<Edge *> _b_edges;
385  // std::vector<Face*> _b_faces;
386  std::vector<Cell *> _b_cells;
388  std::vector<Vertex *> _i_vertices;
389  std::vector<Edge *> _i_edges;
390  // std::vector<Face*> _i_faces;
391  std::vector<Cell *> _i_cells;
392  };
393 } // namespace MeshND
395 #endif
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:26
A Vertex is a Polytope with object_dim = 0.
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:54
Compute max and min eigenvalues of all matrices for i
Definition: compute_eigs.m:5
std::size_t n_b_edges() const
number of boundary edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:66
double h_max() const
< max diameter of cells
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:48
std::vector< Cell * > get_cells() const
lists the cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:78
std::vector< Face * > get_b_faces() const
lists the boundary faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:82
std::size_t n_faces() const
number of faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:62
std::vector< Edge * > get_edges() const
lists the edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:76
void add_face(Face *face)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:102
std::string get_name()
getter for the mesh name
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:46
std::vector< Vertex * > get_i_vertices() const
lists the internal vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:85
void plot(std::ofstream *out) const
Plot the polytope to out.
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:489
std::size_t n_vertices() const
number of vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:60
std::size_t n_i_cells() const
number of internal cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:73
std::vector< Vertex * > get_vertices() const
lists the vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:75
std::size_t dim() const
dimension of the mesh
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:58
Edge * i_edge(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to an internal edge using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:210
void add_vertex(Vertex *vertex)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:90
void add_b_cell(Cell *cell)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:132
void add_i_cell(Cell *cell)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:156
Face * i_face(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to an internal face using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:215
Vertex * i_vertex(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to an internal vertex using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:205
std::vector< Edge * > get_i_edges() const
lists the internal edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:86
void add_b_vertex(Vertex *vertex)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:114
void plot_simplices(std::ofstream *out) const
Plot the simplices to out.
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:473
Face * face(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to a face using its global index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:173
Cell * cell(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to a cell using its global index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:178
std::vector< Cell * > get_b_cells() const
lists the boundary cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:83
void add_i_vertex(Vertex *vertex)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:138
void set_name(std::string name)
set the name of the mesh
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:45
Cell * i_cell(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to an internal cell using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:220
void add_i_face(Face *face)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:150
std::vector< Face * > get_i_faces() const
lists the internal faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:87
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:29
void plot_simplices(std::ofstream *out)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:359
double diam() const
Return the diameter of the Polytope.
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:74
void plot_mesh(std::ofstream *out)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:367
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:28
std::vector< Edge * > get_b_edges() const
lists the boundary edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:81
std::size_t n_b_faces() const
number of boundary faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:67
std::size_t n_i_faces() const
number of internal faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:72
void add_i_edge(Edge *edge)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:144
std::vector< double > regularity()
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:226
Cell * b_cell(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to boundary a cell using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:199
std::size_t n_cells() const
number of cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:63
Edge * b_edge(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to boundary a edge using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:189
void renum(const char B, const std::vector< size_t > new_to_old)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:270
std::size_t n_i_edges() const
number of internal edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:71
void add_b_face(Face *face)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:126
std::vector< Cell * > get_i_cells() const
lists the internal cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:88
Face * b_face(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to boundary a face using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:194
size_t find_cell(const VectorRd x) const
< returns the index of the cell containing the point x
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:321
std::vector< Vertex * > get_b_vertices() const
lists the boundary vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:80
std::size_t n_b_cells() const
number of boundary cells in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:68
std::size_t n_i_vertices() const
number of internal vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:70
Vertex * vertex(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to a vertex using its global index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:163
Vertex * b_vertex(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to a boundary vertex using an index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:184
std::size_t n_edges() const
number of edges in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:61
std::vector< Face * > get_faces() const
lists the faces in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:77
void add_cell(Cell *cell)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:108
void add_edge(Edge *edge)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:96
Edge * edge(std::size_t index) const
get a constant pointer to a edge using its global index
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:168
void add_b_edge(Edge *edge)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:120
std::size_t n_b_vertices() const
number of boundary vertices in the mesh.
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:65
Definition: mmread.m:102
if(strcmp(field, 'real')) % real valued entries T
Definition: mmread.m:93
end Read size then branch according to sparse or dense format count
Definition: mmread.m:75
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:7
double signed_area(VectorRd A, VectorRd B, VectorRd C)
Definition: Mesh2D.hpp:8
constexpr int DIMENSION
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:17
Eigen::Matrix< double, DIMENSION, 1 > VectorRd
Definition: Polytope2D.hpp:19